Bus Buddies

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Alex's POV:

Practice went well. At least I think. I messed up a few times. And now the team calls me "babyhorse". I can't tell if they're making fun of me or trying to help me feel more comfortable. But I think it went okay.
I followed the rest of the team as we made our way towards the bus. Pulling the heavy nike USA bag over my shoulder more, I noticed fans standing around the outside of the gates, waiting for autographs. I smiled, remembering when I came to a US womens practice with my friends a few years ago. I was beyond excited to see Mia Hamm. And now I'm here and there are fans waiting just like I did. But of course they're not actually here for me, they don't even know who I am.
I saw Tobin signing autographs alongside Abby and Kelley and I smiled at them. Walking past the fans, I climbed the steps on the bus and looked around. Shit. I didn't think about where I should sit.
"Hey, Alex." Tobin waved at me from my left a few seats back and a wave of relief washed over me. "Come pop a squat." She said and I laughed as I sat down next to her.
"Thanks, I didn't really know where I should sit."
"Yeah, I know, you kinda make everything obvious." Tobin replied and I glared at her, which she returned as a million dollar smile. It was hard not to smile back.
    "So whatcha think of practice?" Tobin asked as the bus started to move.
    "Um, it was good. It's hard, but it seems like everyones really into playing all or nothing." I replied as Abby started blasting loud music.
    "Yeah well, Play hard or Go home." Tobin said casually as she leaned back and looked out the window. I nodded and put on my headphones to drown out Abby and Pinoe's lip sync challenge.

Tobin's POV:

    I leaned back and looked out the window. Alex put in her headphones beside me and I stole a glance at her. Her eyebrows were scrunched together and her bottom lip stuck out slightly as she tried to understand what Pinoe was singing. Gosh she looked adorable. Stop Tobin. Knock it off, you know she's not into girls, it's obvious. She probably has a boyfriend... I turned my head again and continued to look out the window.
    Finally we arrived back at the hotel and I stood up. Alex didn't move. "Yo, get up." I said and nudged her with my knee. Alex mumbled something inaudible and rolled her head down. She's asleep. "Hey, Alex, wake up." I said, leaning down and shaking her shoulder slightly.
    "Come on, Tobs, why now?" Alex murmured and I smiled at the small nickname she called me.
    "Because you have to, come on," I said finally and put my hand under Alex's arm, making her stand up.
    As we got off the bus, Kelley O'hara came over to me. "Hey, let's go on a walk to the beach. I heard it's right around the corner."
    "Sure, Alex you wanna come with?" I turned to Alex who was fully awake now and she nodded back. "Yeah, we'll meet you in the lobby in 5."

Alex's POV:

We met up with the girl I recognized as Kelley O'hara and two others I saw, but don't know.
"Hi! You're Alex, right?" A girl with long black hair that was pulled back into a ponytail asked me. I nodded and she continued. "I'm Ali and this is Ashlyn." She pointed to a girl with wavy blonde hair and tattoos next to her. The girl named Ashlyn smiled at me and we started walking towards the beach.
Once we got there I sat down in the sand with Tobin and Kelley as Ashlyn and Ali went down to the water. I watched as Ashlyn splashed Ali with the freezing water and they got into a splash fight, regardless of it being only like 60 degrees.
"Are they dating?" I asked suddenly and I was surprised by my own words. Kelley laughed and Tobin chuckled slightly.
"Nah, Ashlyn won't make a move." Tobin said and leaned back on her elbows.
"Yeah," Kelley said, leaning forward and looking at Tobin then at me. "But she really should." She looked at Tobin once more and also leaned back into the sand, smirking.
"Well, it's really nice here." I mentioned as I watched the sun set right over the water.
"It is. I have a small beach right by my house in New Jersey that I basically live at." Tobin noted as she sat back up.
    "If it's anything like this place, I bet it's beautiful. I wanna see it sometime." I smiled at Tobin and she grinned, looking down at the sand. I looked back at the sunset which was now turning the sky pink.
    We stayed there for some time until Kelley heard a buzz and looked down at her phone.
    "We gotta head back, Meghan says dinner is in 30." Kelley said as she stood up.
    I nodded and started to get up, putting my hands in the sand to help push myself up. When I put my hand down I accidentally put it ontop of someone else's hand, which happened to be Tobin's. I looked over at her and was about to say 'Sorry' when I stopped. Just touching her hand was like touching a live wire. Yet it was so warm and soothing at the same time. "Ummm," I fumbled over my words and locked eyes with Tobin's beautiful brown ones. "S-sorry." I took my hand away quickly and for a second Tobin looked almost... dissapointed.
    "No, it's...it's okay." Tobin reassured me and got up.
    I got up and turned around and saw Kelley standing, waiting. Ali and Ashlyn were already walking back to the hotel, but Kelley was waiting and she stood with a goofy smile attached to her lips. "You guys good? You want some time or something?" Kelley smirked and Tobin waved her off.
    "Come on, Kelley," Tobin replied as she walked away pretty quickly. I walked behind her, my eyes stuck to the ground. What just happened? Did I make Tobin uncomfortable? Dammit Alex...

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