|Chapter 18|

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Ford lunged at your with his sword blade facing your chest. Quickly, you moved out of the blade's way and slashed your sword against his. A few seconds into fighting for dominance, and Fords sword soon flew out of his hands.

You daringly pointed the blade to his chest. "Any last words, Stanford?"

Ford suddenly grabbed hold of the tip of your blade, turning it around to get ahold of the handle.

"Risky..." You mumbled.   

Ford harshly slashed the sword against your arm, making you unstable and turn slightly. Your back faced him, but it  was faced too far to be safe.


A sharp pain was felt suddenly in your back, inside your body, and on your chest. The pain increased when the sword was pulled out of your body. You fell to the ground.

Coughing up red, dark blood, you held your chest tightly as you slowly fell to the ground.

The world around you seemed to fade slowly. You looked up a Stanford, saying with a final breath.

"Good job..." Before dissolving into a black dust.



You awoken to find yourself in the Waiting Room.

"Why here...?" You thought. If you and Bill made a pact, why isn't he here?


Other demons looked at you suspiciously, and with defeat. Due to their new queen dying by her own mother's sword, you'd think people would be shocked. You walked through the crowd of demons, up some stairs, and to a door labeled 'Zae Cryptos'.

   You were about to knock, but the door had opened for you. You stepped inside, expecting Zae to be waiting for you.

And he was.

He sat in his chair, still having unfinished paperwork on his desk, but yet he was smiling.

"I've missed you, ya know. It's really not the same without​ you." Zae said sincerely, getting up from his desk walking towards you.

"Me too... Look, I have something to tell you... Its about Ellaline..."



"You... You really?" Zae stuttered flabbergasted.


"I feel so bad about it... I kinda feel like I had disappointed her..." You looked down at the marble floor in shame.


"Dont be, Its a great achievement to see your mother again, really." Zae put his arm around your sholder, but he suddenly tensed.


He released the embrace and suddenly rushed back to his desk, going through his file cabinet frantically.


"God dammit, why?!" He groaned, forcefully shoving the file back into his drawer and shutting it forcefully.

"What is it?"


"I was hoping  we wouldn't have to go tell Dominus, but he's not dead yet..." He sighed. 

You both looked at each other mischievously.

"Not it!"


"Not i- DAMMIT!" Zae cursed, causing you to burst into a laughing fit.


"Ok, ok. Im gonna go tell Bill that I'll be gone for a few- See ya, pickle juice!"

You causally said, laughing at the old nickname you used to call him ever since he wanted to try human food, and ended up drinking some pickle juice.


Knock, Knock

The door opened to reveal Bill with some jeans and to no surprise, no shirt. His heavily tattooed body distracted you for a moment.

"Do you actually need something, or are you just here to look at me?" Bill asked mischievously. You snapped back into reality, your cheeks painted red.

"I uh, me and Zae are uh, g-gonna be out for a while... You need anything while im gone?" You stuttered, fiddling with your fingers occasionally.

"Maybe a hot chocolate, oh, and this-" Bill suddenly embraced you into a perfect mix of a lustful and passionate kiss. His hand wondered down your back, while his other hand cupped your cheek.

You fell into the kiss rather quickly, rubbing your hands through his blonde and black hair, while also placing your arm around his neck.

After a few long moments, you both finally let go. Your cheeks were literally looking like cherries.

"Your a better kisser than I thought... Come by when you get back and we can continue, alright?" Bill said seductively. A small giggle escaped your mouth, and you nodded.

"Well... I'll be off..." You sighed.

"Be safe ok? Please?"

"I will, and if im not back by tomorrow, call Alina!" You said, blowing a kiss goodbye to Bill, and teleported back to the office.


"You two have major goals."

"Zae I swear, if you dont stop-"

"But it's true! I mean, he kisses you, he even sacrificed you once-"

"... Sacrifice?"



Im obsessed with Hamilton

Save me

(I'll Update Tommorow)




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