BEEP. BEEP. BEE- Peridot got sluggishly out of bed, rubbing her eyes then putting on her glasses. She put them on upside-down at first, then got it correct the next try. Seeing that Jasper was still sleeping in bed, it crossed her mind to wake up Jasper, but Peridot immediately dismissed it. She quickly checked her phone, and was surprised to see that at 2 o' clock AM, Lapis had texted her.
Bluewater1820: Hey Peri, are you still up
Bluewater1820: Peri?
Bluewater1820: Hellooooooooo
Bluewater1820: I need to ask you a question
Bluewater1820: but you're not thereeeeeeee
Bluewater1820: fine then I won't text you anymore tonight
Peridot sighed, and texted Lapis back.
Greengem36: Geez... Sorry, I went to bed at 12:00??? What did you want to ask me?
Peridot waited for a response, but got none. She hoped that Lapis was just still asleep, and not ignoring her. Trying to push the thought away, Peridot left for class.
"Hey Peridot!" Peridot turned to the sound of Lapis's voice. It was now lunch time, and Lapis hadn't shown up to any of her morning classes (She had asked Lapis's professors) . "Lapis?" Peridot said, looking around for her. When her eyes found her, she had crutches and a cast around her ankle. "What happened to you?" Peridot asked, scanning her. "And where were you in the morning classes?" "I just got back from the hospital... I thought you would have guessed?" "Nope. Why didn't you just tell me via text?" Suddenly, Peridot's mind went back to Lapis's texts. "Oh," She added. "What did you want to ask me?" At the sound of this question, Lapis's face went red. "Oh yeah. That. Um... So there's this party Amethyst is hosting... And I was... Uh... Wondering if you could come with me to the party?" Lapis said, then quickly added on, "There will be alcohol." "I don't drink." Peridot said in reply to Lapis's statement. "And I have 2 essays to write: One about the alignment of the planets every year, and the other about why-" "You don't have to do those," Lapis said, face still slightly red. "I-I mean it's just one night, and you'll have fun!" "I don't like social occasions," Peridot quickly snapped then stood up, holding her tray. "Please?" Lapis said. "I promise you'll have fun, a-and plus, you'll be with me!" "And what makes you think I'd want that?" "Oh... I-I just assumed that-" "Sure, whatever, I'll go. But If I want to leave- at any time- I can go. Okay?" "O-Okay." Peridot dumped her extra food, and left the cafeteria.
It was 8:00, the time the party started, and Lapis had not come to Peridot's dormitory yet. At 8:05, there was a knock on Peridot's door. Peridot got up and opened it, to find Lapis breathing heavily and holding onto the door knob. "Sorry I'm late," she said in between breaths. "I was halfway there until I remembered I was supposed to pick you up." "Great. Let's go." Peridot said, walking out the door. "Oh wait, Peri, do you have a bathing suit?" Lapis asked before closing the door. "No... why?" Peridot said. "There's a sauna, I think. That's okay, you can just go in nude." "WHAT THE- NO!" Peridot yelled, covering her body as if she was nude right then. "You're... You're a weirdo." Lapis shrugged, and led Peridot to her car. She got in, and they drove to the party.
"Hey, Amethyst!" Lapis shouted over the loud music. Peridot was slightly crouching behind Lapis, disliking the talkative and loud environment. "Yo!" A voice shouted back. A few seconds later, a short female, about Peridot's size, came out from the crowd. "Yo." Lapis said, stepping aside. "This is Peridot. Peridot, this is Amethyst." "Heyo." Amethyst said, sticking out her hand. "H-Hey." Peridot said, her face becoming a light shade of pink. Lapis happened to notice, and grabbed Peridot's shoulders, pulling her towards herself while glaring at Amethyst. "Geez, Lapis, I'm not going to take your girlfriend away, you know I already have Pearl." Amethyst said, grinning at the two. Peridot's face contorted. "I'm not her girlfriend. I just came to this party because she kept asking me to. What am I even doing here? I could be in my dorm, where there's peace and quiet, and doing my homewor-" "Nerd. Still think you guys would look cute together, though." Amethyst interrupted her, putting her arm around Peridot. "You two came just in time- we're just about to start Truth or Dare. C'mon, Lapis!" Lapis quickly caught up, following Amethyst and Peridot.
A Girl Like You (Lapidot College/Human AU Fanfic) [HIATUS...?]
FanficA short pale-faced girl named Peridot finds a girl that she thinks she might like named Lapis, later to find out that she is absolutely obsessed with her. As she tries to keep the secret that she is in love with another girl, the secret soon gets o...