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Lol so i left you guys in suspense want that sweetttttt!!!!!!!

But i plan to relieve you from all the stress.

You can read and find out what is happening.


I was making my way to the door when someone shout something my way.

I try to ignore it but i notice that voice.

If it wasn't my favourite person in the world.


And guess what she shouted out that.

"Your the only dog in here, slut"

"I'm sorry i didn't here you quit well, what the fuck did you just say. " I say spinning on my heels.

" I said you the only dog in here slut, your a coward cant even stand up to your own father or Mother, that working Mother of yours, the one who left you on the door step of others to cater for. "

" Oh i almost forget i wasn't alone. " i said looking at Blake.

" Oh you were, you guys were separated, didn't you know that, and by the way that teacher up there resembles you, don't you think, where is our usual biology teacher think about it sis, where is she, since when did we get a new teacher? "

" Little oversize bitch listen to me i am no sis of yours and who the fuck do you think you are talking about my fucking Mother leaving me on a fucking door step for others to take care of me, little bitch let me tell you, i have no parents, and guess what that little ass you call a father he is no one i don't know why on earth you still defend him, i know i sure wouldn't, because guess what I'm not the one who he paid to rape  for a god damn company deal at night, and guess what I'm not the one who he raped to prove he was a man, so if you are concerned about my life so much, bitch i suggest you take a look at yours."

And that makes her shut Up.

How i know all this.


Ask questions around.

I wasn't just going to take that man's money i needed information.

And I know the reason my mom left.

He was abusing her.

And worst she was on the urge to die.

When she decided to move On.

I always dream of her and try to remember one thing about her but i cant.

I just cant.

As i was to see her face everything just blurs out.

I cant remember.

Kayne knew it was true so jumping at me now was not on the agenda


I have to find my mom i know she is not dead.

She is alive.

I just know she is.

I am not going to give up.

I have to find her.

I tap my so called Dad's name on my phone and reach for his wife in the last.

He was a business man and was top class in business as he says.

The pictures rolled up and I saw a woman standing beside him.

I tap on a resent one and I examine the picture.

The woman looked familiar but i cant really put my finger on it to say if i have ever seen her before.

I look closer and recognized the woman who I saw.


I'm not sure if this information is correct but this cant be who I think it is.

I have to get more information.

I type the pictures of their children and a picture of me and Blake when we were kids came up with our names.

I still cant believe what i see.


My alarm clock woke me up the correct time this morning. I took a shower and did my normal routine.

Today is the big day.

I am going to ask that woman if what i saw if its true.

I want to know if Google is right.

They said she died.

They said she left.

They said she would never come back

So why is she here.

I parked my bike and ran to where the woman was.

In her class was empty so i just walked right in.

I Had printed the pictures for clarification so talking wouldn't be an option.

I want an explanation for this.

I place the pictures on her desk and she look up shocked.

Tears form the in her eyes as she looked at the pictures.

"Baby you wouldn't understand why i did it. "

" I understand more than enough. "

" I Had to do what i did, i couldn't take it anymore. "

" And you just left us behind? "

She nod her head and I write that i have to ask this question again.

I am a afraid that this time ill get the same respect again.

But its better to try.

" Are you my real Mother. "

Hey guys

How are you doing.

Your having fun with this book

I really hope you are.

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