Chapter 2-Introductions

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The director kept talking. "Camp Freedom is a special place for boys like yourselves, young adults who have some trouble controlling their bladders. This is not a place to try to fix your problems. We want this to be a safe place, where you don't need to be embarrassed about any of your issues, and a fun place. We want all of you to enjoy yourselves without worries of what other people may think.

Like any other camp, you will sleep in groups in cabins. There will be organized activities in the morning and free time all afternoon. Free time can be used for anything you like, but we encourage you to spend time at the lake, swimming or canoeing, or playing sports. Meals will be served in the main building, which is right behind me here.

However, there are some differences from most camps. First, as you are all in your late teens, there is no need for counsellors in the cabins. Instead, we have program staff, who lead the organized activities, supervise some of the free time activities, and the rest of the time will be found in the main building if you need anything.

Second, probably the most significant differences from other camps, is that there are no toilets on the property."

At that, Louis squirms. He really has to pee, and he doesn't understand how they can not have toilets in a place meant for people with bladder issues. If anything, he would have thought they would have more toilets than normal.

"We have found that they cause more accidents when people try to get there on time. Instead, you may go in the woods, behind your cabins, in the lake, pretty much anywhere except in the buildings. This may seem a bit odd at first, but you will get used to it, and it is much easier than having to find a bathroom every time you have to go. For going number two, we have stations marked in the edges of the woods, but you may do it in any of the bushes if you wish. Please bury it if you can. I know this part will be difficult as it will feel quite unnatural, but please don't hold it in or be embarrassed."(A/N I know the number two part might be a bit weird, but I need them to not have a loo to pee in, so...)

Now it's Harry's turn to squirm. He doesn't like the idea of peeing outdoors, not at all. This is not going to be a fun month after all.

"On that note, I know that many of you wear protection. We recommend that you take off your nappies or pull-ups here, but it's not required. You will just find it bothersome always having to change yourself, and it will help you learn how to hold it better. There is no need to be embarrassed in the case of accidents, either. Many boys just wear their swim trunks all the time, and if an accident occurs, they can just run into the lake and wash off. For those who wear protection at night, it's alright to continue with that, as it is a little more difficult to control.

One final thing: No teasing will be permitted. We expect you to help each other out if it's needed, or to seek assistance from the staff if that's what you prefer. You must be respectful of each other and not judge each other.

If you ever have an accident or a problem and want help, or if you need assistance of any kind, or just someone to talk to, feel free to come to the main building or find any staff member. We are all here to help you have the best month possible.

Alright, now that all the instruction is done, I will tell you your cabins. When you get there, you have half an hour to unpack. We encourage you to introduce yourselves to the others in your cabins, and specifically to discuss your own particular bladder issues, so you know what to expect from the other. When your half hour is up, come back to the main building for dinner.

Cabin number one: Louis Tomlinson, Zayn Malik, Liam Payne, Niall Horan, Harry Styles. You five feel free to grab your stuff and find your cabin as I keep calling out names.

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