Chapter 7-Capture the Flag

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"Hey lads!" Niall shouted as he, Liam and Zayn made their way into the cabin.

"Hey Ni!" Louis responded. "Wait can I call you that?"

"Yeah, my friends at home call me Ni all the time, or Nialler if you want."

"Cool, cool. How were the games?" Louis wanted to keep the boys' attention off of Harry as much as he could, as he didn't want to embarrass the lad any more by bringing up his accident.

"They were good." Niall nodded as he spoke, as if agreeing with himself.

"Liam, Zayn, what did you think? Did you have fun?" Louis asked.

"S'alright," Zayn mumbled, sitting down on his bunk and pulling out a book.

"I had fun," Liam said. "But it was pretty loud; there were lots of people."

"I bet. Do you have any idea how many kids are at this camp?" It was still Louis directing the conversation, but he didn't mind. He was a very social person.

"I think about 50?" Niall suggested. "Oh, yeah. If we go to the main field in five minutes we can play Capture the Flag, but it's not a required activity. Any of you wanna play? I'd like to go..."

"I'll go!" Harry spoke up for the first since the others had returned. "I like Capture the Flag."

"I'll play too," Louis agreed.

"I think I might stay here, " Zayn said, looking up from his book. "I'm a bit tired of people, I wanna read."

"What about you, Liam?" Harry asked the uncertain looking boy. "You should definitely come play!"

"Um, I guess so." He still didn't look sure, but he stood up and moved toward the door. "I'm just gonna wee for a moment..."

"Mind if I come?" Louis asked tentatively. "It's okay if you don't want me to come...just I should go before we start playing a game for a while." He was hoping Liam would let him, as he thought it would be a good demonstration for Harry that a little bit of pee wasn't cause for embarrassment.


After the two lads returned, they all (except Zayn) started walking over to the field, next to the main hall. When they arrived, all the campers were split into two teams, red and blue, and the four cabinmates ended up being divided, with Harry and Niall on one team and Louis and Liam on the other. Harry reluctantly followed Niall to the 'red' side of the field, rather disappointed to be split from Louis as he felt rather attached to him after the previous events, but determined to have fun no matter what.

The game began, and it was quite intense, with teenage boys running all over the field, chasing each other and trying to get their flag across to their own side. Louis spotted Niall trying to make a run for the flag and grabbed Liam.

"We've gotta stop Niall!" He yelled as he started running, Liam struggling briefly to comprehend before he caught on and sprinted along with Louis. The two raced toward their blond friend, attempting to get to him before he got the flag. It turned out to be easier to tag him than they anticipated, as another camper started chasing Niall, and he switched directions, causing their paths to intersect, so much so that Louis crashed right into Niall.

The two lads tumbled to the ground, Liam looking on, breathing heavily.

"Sorry, y'alright, mate?" Louis asked when he had recovered from the surprise of falling. He looked over to find Niall sitting on his bum looking rather shocked and concerned.

"Ni?" Liam questioned, reaching out to help first Louis, then Niall, up.

"M'alright. Just...I've wet my nappy."

"Sorry, didn't mean to run into ya." Louis apologized as Liam looked at Niall sympathetically.

"S'okay. Wasn't your fault." Niall took a couple steps, then said "I think I want to go back and change. This isn't going to be comfortable." Liam was surprised at how nonchalant Niall seemed about the whole thing. He always got upset about accidents, how could Niall just state, out loud, that he needed to change his nappy.

"Sure. Do you want us to come with, or stay here?" Louis asked. He could see that their conversation had caught the eye of Harry and the camp director, both of whom were walking toward the trio.

"Doesn't matter. You can keep playing if you want, or you can come."

"I think I'm done," Liam provided quietly.

Just then, Harry and the director, Paul, arrived at their little circle from opposite directions. Harry was about to speak, but Paul beat him to it.

"Everything alright here, lads?" He asked, looking from one to another, trying to read their faces.

"Yeah, we're fine. Is it okay if we head back to our cabin now? We have two on each team, so it will still be even..." Niall smiled at Paul, hoping he wouldn't ask for more explanation. While he wasn't overly embarrassed about his accident, he didn't particularly want to explain to the camp director that he had wet himself, despite the purpose of the camp.

"Of course it is. Just wanted to make sure there wasn't a problem. I saw a couple of you fall, so when you all gathered around I wasn't sure if someone was hurt or something." Niall inwardly sighed in relief that Paul was so kind.

"We're fine, thanks for checking." Louis responded.

"Alright, get on with you then!" The director exclaimed jokingly, and the four lads wasted no time as they immediately ran off toward their cabin.

"Wait, lads! Don't run, please!" Niall called, not enjoying the feeling of running with a soaked nappy between his legs.

Harry, Liam, and Louis stopped, Liam walking back toward Niall. "Everything alright?"

"Yeah, s'just I don't like running with..." He gestured to his crotch, and Liam nodded, understanding exactly what Niall meant.

"Coming, slowpokes?" Louis teased, nudging Liam and Niall as they caught up to him and Harry.

"Don't be so impatient, Louis. Why are you in such a rush anyway?" Niall shoved Louis back, causing him to stumble into Harry, who responded with a laugh and a silly remark.

The banter continued as the four new friends made their way down the hill to their cabin.


I honestly have no idea what I just wrote. I'm so tired right now but I had ideas so I wrote them and now I'm publishing without reading it over well, so I might regret posting this but whatever.

And, now I'm rambling. I'll shut up now and just post this. Hope you enjoy! Thanks for the support!

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