Chapter 6-A Wee Problem

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Previously:"My name's Ed, I'm a counselor here. Can you tell me what's wrong? I want to help."

"I-I...I have to wee." At his words, Louis' eyes widened in recognition, while Ed just looked confused.

"That's not such a problem, now is it?" Harry cringed, and Louis decided it was time to step in.

"Um...I think it might be a problem. He...told us he, uh, has a shy bladder, is that right?" Harry nodded. "Somethin' about not being able to wee anywhere except a loo..."

"Oh." Ed responded, seeming a bit lost for words. However, as soon as Harry started sobbing, he stepped forward, placing a steadying hand on the small lad's shoulder. "Let's stop crying, okay, bud? Tears aren't going to help anything." Louis just stood back awkwardly, not sure how to help. As Harry started to calm down, Ed spoke again. "Was what Louis told me correct?"

Harry wasn't quite sure if he remembered what Louis had said, but he assumed it was right, so he nodded. He didn't know what to do...he had to wee quite badly, and he didn't want to wet himself, but he didn't know what else to do, and "It hurts," he whimpered.

"Okay. Let's head back to your cabin. Um, this is a bit of an unusual situation, but we've got a few options." Louis didn't think Ed sounded very sure of what his options were, but he decided to give the older lad time to figure it long as Harry didn't get too much more uncomfortable.

When the trio arrived at the cabin, Ed looked Harry up and down, assessing his current situation. "Right, you want to try to wee? You can go behind the cabin where no one will be able to see you if that would help..."

"I can try." Harry was doubtful, but he decided to give it a try, just in case, so he walked behind the cabin. However, when after a few minutes he hadn't found any relief, he did his trousers back up and walked to the front again. "Didn't work"

"Alright, uh. What usually happens when you get into a situation like this?"

"Oh." Harry had to think for a moment. "Uh, usually I just hold it until I can get to a loo, no matter how much it hurts. If I can't hold it long enough, I, uh, wet myself, but I don't want to do that. I just don't know what I can do!" As he spoke, his breathing became increasingly shallow and rapid.

"Harry, calm down. You shouldn't have to wet yourself. I'm sure we can come up with something else!" Louis encouraged, putting an arm around Harry's shoulders. "Ed, what else?"

"Um..." Ed was really not sure how to deal with the situation, but it shouldn't be too hard right? It just wasn't any of the issues covered in training... "Okay, so what if you just wait until you physically can't hold it, and then just, uh, pull it out and let it happen?"

"But it hurts!" Harry whined.

"Harry, it might be the only thing." Louis responded, keeping his voice even and calm. "There isn't a toilet, you don't have many options. Besides, maybe it would help your shyness to do it like that?"

"S'just...I don't know how long I'm gonna have to wait." Harry didn't like the sound of this plan at all, it just sounded like a lot of waiting, and he wasn't a very patient person. He liked to be active all the time, but he couldn't' exactly run around when his bladder felt like it was about to explode.

"Are you okay if I go now?" Ed asked, checking his watch. "I should go help with an activity, but I can stay if you need me..."

"We're okay, yeah, Harry?" Louis responded, then when Harry nodded hesitantly. "Yeah, we're okay."

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