Chapter 3-A (Short) Conversation

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"Wait!" Niall exclaimed. "Before we go to dinner, I've gotta change. I don't want to sit through dinner all wet. Liam, you wanna change your pullup? The rest of you can go." Liam looked up and nodded, and was grateful when the other three boys decided to leave them there. The less people around when he was changing the better. He knew they wouldn't judge, and later he would have to do it in front of them, but for now it was easier to be alone. Or, alone with Niall, who happened to be doing the same thing, so it wasn't so bad. Niall seemed like a nice lad, friendly but aware of Liam's need for personal space.

When both had finished changing, before they left the cabin, Liam decided to talk to Niall.



"Uh, are you actually gonna go without nappies?"

"Probably. The freedom would be nice. It would be annoying to have to run back here every time I wet. Are you going to? Don't feel like I'm pressuring you..."

Liam was glad Niall was so easy to talk to about it. He was slightly intimidated by some of the other boys, but Niall seemed nice enough. It was usually really hard for Liam to talk about these, so discussing it with Niall, despite how amiable he was, was still not easy. He stumbled over his words and stuttered a little, but managed to get his message across nonetheless.  "Um, I dunno. often do you wet, like accidentally? Cuz that's what I would be most worried about. Most of the time I can make it, but sometimes I, like, don't notice, and then I wouldn't like to just wet myself without a pull-up."

"Um, quite a bit, actually. Like, I don't know how often is often for you, but probably once or twice, maybe three times a day. That's why I have nappies instead of pull-ups. But, like, I don't care too much about accidents. Not here, anyways. Like I said though, you don't have to. I'm serious. I think you could do it. I'm guessing you don't wet accidentally all that much, but if you don't want to have accidents, that's fair. It's totally up to you."

"Thanks, Niall." Liam was surprised how understanding Niall was.

"No problem. Ready for some food?"

Okay, I know this is really short, but it's been a while since I updated, and I've been having difficulty figuring out where I want to go with this, so I thought I'd just post this short bit and see if I get inspiration for something more later.

I don't want to disappoint anyone, but this story is very much a side project. My other story is my main focus, so priority is on updating that. This will get updates when I feel like writing something for it.

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