Chapter 9-Bedtime

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The lads began to ready themselves for bed, opening their bags and finding pajamas and toothbrushes. Suddenly, the door opened and Harry walked in. None of the other boys had even noticed when he left.

"Where'd you go?" Niall asked curiously.

"Needed a wee," Harry mumbled, not wanting to broadcast it to the whole cabin, but everyone heard, Louis popping his head up immediately.

"Did it work?" he demanded.

Harry nodded shyly, making his way to his bunk to get his own pajamas on.

"That's awesome! Progress already!" Louis practically shouted.

"Louis, calm down," Niall chided.

Louis whirled around to look at him. "Why? This is-"

"Shh. I don't think he wants to talk about it."


The rest of their preparations continued, with some small teasing and chatter throughout. The other four boys took turns going outside to empty their bladders, and then all five went outside together to brush their teeth at the sink on the side of their cabin.

When they got back inside, Harry and Zayn put on pajamas and then slipped into bed. Niall half-closed his curtain to change his nappy, while Liam closed his all the way to put his on.

"Night lads!" Louis called as he climbed into bed, but he jumped back down almost immediately. "Whoops, forgot my pullup. Don't want a wet bed in the morning!" he laughed, digging through his bag and pulling out the desired protection, which he put on quickly before returning to his bed. "Okay, goodnight for real this time. Sleep well, cabin one!"

A chorus of goodnights came back at him from the other four lads, all in various stages of sleepiness.

Harry was the first to wake the next morning. He stayed in his bunk, observing the other boys as they started to show signs of consciousness.

Zayn was the next. He rolled over once, so he was facing the rest of the cabin. He opened his eyes briefly, glancing around the room, but shut them almost immediately, and Harry noticed a rather odd, somewhat pleased expression come over his face as he seemed to go back to sleep, as he didn't move again. It was all rather strange, but Harry figured maybe he was dreaming and never actually woke up.

Then was Liam. His face twitched a few times before he woke quite simply with a yawn, then sat up and looked around, smiling at Harry before picking up his phone. Niall followed in a similar manner, though he verbally greeted the other two boys.

Louis' awakening was a bit more of a production. He rolled over several times within a couple minutes, then yawned loudly before sitting up suddenly with a bewildered expression on his face. He glanced around the cabin, rubbing his eyes, before pulling the blankets off himself. "Shit," he muttered, staring at his lap with an irritated look.

"What is it, Lou? Are you okay?" Harry asked, standing up quickly and moving towards the older lad's bunk.

"Yeah, m'fine. My pull-up leaked a little, s'all." He responded, voice showing his displeasure. A little was an understatement. His bottom sheet was soaked in a surprisingly large area around his crotch. Louis couldn't remember the last time he had had a leak this bad. He got out of bed and immediately changed into clean clothes, then started stripping the wet sheets off his bed as all the others, except Zayn who still seemed to be asleep despite the noise, began getting dressed and ready for the day.

Somewhere amid the chaos, Zayn sat up, unnoticed by the other four, and rubbed at his eyes.

"Hey, Zayn's awake!" Harry exclaimed happily.

Louis chimed in: "Good morning sleepyhead!"

Zayn lowered his hands from his face and looked shyly at his new friends, revealing red, watery eyes.

"Oh, are you alright?" Liam asked, moving across the room toward the older boy, who sniffed and scrubbed at his eyes again with his fists for a moment before looking back at Liam.

"Uh, I..." he stopped, chewing on his lip.

"What's going on?" Niall's voice was gentle as he, too, approached the sole occupied bed in the cabin.

"I..." Zayn paused again, scrunching his eyes shut. Without opening them again, he continued speaking, sniffling a few times and letting a tear fall. "I wet the bed..."

"That's not such a big deal, is it? Louis has wet sheets too." Liam tried to comfort the confusing dark haired lad.

"But I...I've never wet the bed before," he pulled his knees up and rested his head in his folded arms to create the illusion of embarrassed crying, while in reality he didn't mind the attention.

"Oh, hey, you're okay," Niall murmured, sitting on the edge of the bunk and starting to rub Zayn's back gently. "Shall we get you out of the wet sheets? If you'd rather have some privacy, we can leave..."

"S'alright, you can stay," the Bradford lad sniffed, then started pushing the sheets off himself. Everyone turned back to their own preparations for the day, giving him a bit of privacy as he changed. When he was done, he spoke softly. "Um...what do I do with the sheets?" He had removed them from the mattress and clumped them in a ball, but seemed lost on how to continue.

Louis turned to him with a soft smile. "I'm not sure, but I have to deal with mine too. We can go together to the main building if you want, to ask someone. I'm sure they have procedures for wet sheets in this place."

Oh my goodness, I didn't realize how long it had been since I updated this story! I'm sorry if this chapter cuts off weirdly, I just wanted to finish it and put it up, and hopefully the next one will be up sooner!

This was an idea suggested by @1Dfamilystuff

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