chapter four: earth

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[YOUR POV - 2 years before Voltron forms]


You opened your eyes, relaxed your body and released your fist.

What did she just say?

"You heard me right," Haggard rasped, as if reading your mind. "You're going to be sent back to planet Earth."


You blinked twice and your eyes widened, but you didn't feel as ecstatic as you expected to be when you first heard her say those words.

After all, you don't know anyone there anymore. Your parents and your adopted sister were dead, and you've never made any friends due to the fact that you were privately tutored. No one knew you, and even if someone did, they'd most likely think that you were dead.

But regardless, you felt what you thought was the first prick of hope in the seven years you've spent in this hellhole of an airship. You wouldn't be assaulted by the soldiers and guards anymore; you wouldn't be experimented on by Haggar anymore; you wouldn't be forcefully beaten and starved anymore; you wouldn't be--

"Oh, don't get too excited, [y/n]," she laughed, but it sounded more like a bird choking. "You're going to be sent off to a place called the Garrison, where the humans there will experiment on you. They're very curious about whatever you are. Whatever tests and results that happen there will be reported back to us. You won't be able to kill them either, so don't get any ideas. In return, they're giving us what they claim to be the Blue Lion of Voltron."

...She's kidding you, right?

You sank back down, feeling defeated. Experiments? More of them? Every day? How much more could you take? Why couldn't you just die? Why were you born Medellan?

Haggard cackled, then motioned for the guards at the door.

"Take her away."  

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