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Song Suggestion- semi automatic ~ twenty one pilots
[Rickys new house]
We walked up to the house. It was huge. Huge glass windows coving The house. It's was white and at least 5 floors. I wasn't sure who was moving in with us all. All Ricky said was the Nikan was moving in and so was one of   Lucas' best friends Nick. I think he sai Sam was moving in to. I'm not positive really. Ricky should me to his room where i found a multicolored puppy on her back. I was guessing this was London. I ran over to the puppy and hugged her tight.
"OHMYFUCKINGGODIYSSOCUTE" I screamed out all at once.
"I knew you would like her. She's so fucking cute." He replied placing my bags down.
"Thank you Ricky"
"It's cool babygirl"
"No, Ricky. I mean really. Thank you. You made me happy. I've been depressed my whole life. With my dad leaving and my mom drinking, I've been a mess. You took me away from that and I know we have had issues and we made it passed all that-" I was cut off my run on sentence by banks wrapping his arms around me and hugging me tight.
"I love you so fucking much you don't understand" he whispered into my ear. He let go of me and I went to look around the house.
"Wow a gym" I said walking passed it.
"Yep it's prettttty cool!" I heard a familiar British voice come from behind me.
"SAM!" I hugged him.
"Hey sweetheart" he flash his golden smile.
I continued to look through the house. To be bluntly honest it was amazing. The view was great. I loved it so much. I knew that every was one who was living with us was already here. They moved in when they first got the house while me and Ricky didn't. I walked down the stairs and bumped into a girl who wore very little clothing.
"Uh sorry excuse me." I said and smiled.
"Ohhh are you one of his booty calls too? Could you help me find the way out?"  She said in the most annoying voice .
"Um no I live here and the door is down the stair to the right."
"Oh shit you live here? Who's dick did you have to suck to do that." She was stoned.
"I um actually live here with my boyfriend."
"Which dude?"
"The tall one with the snap back and beard"
"Huh? Never saw him. Whatever I gotta go to another call."
The very skinny girl walked out of the house. She had long hair the reached the bottom of her back. She was at least 100 pounds and for an escort she was really pretty. Which made me look at myself.
My hair wasn't long and dark.
My body wasn't thin or curvy.
I didn't have perfect eyebrows and facial features.
I wasn't pretty.
I walked down the stairs and went to the nearest bathroom. I looked in the mirror. Tears filled with black makeup ran down my face. I slid down the wall and sat with my face buried in my knees. I was there for at least ten minutes until there was a knock on the door.
"Ocean are you okay?" A voice opened the door. My head was buried in my knees.
"N-no" I managed to say.
"Awe what wrong sweetheart?"
I looked up to see Sam bending down down. Worry crossed his face.
"Did something happen?" He sat down next to me and wrapped his arm around me.
"No nothing happened." I rested me head on his shoulder and cried som more.
"It's okay, want me to call Ricky?"
"NO PLEASE I um mean no. It's okay."
"Did he do something to you!"
"No no no not at all"
"Okay then what happened?"
"I was talking to one of the girl that came out from Nicks room. She had dark long hair and she was super skinny and so so pretty."
"Okay. And did she do something to you?"
"No. I just started think about everything. I'm not skinny. I don't have long dark hair. I'm not pretty enough."
"Ocean sweetheart. You don't need long dark hair. Your pretty skinny I can almost see your ribs. If anything your so skinny. And your really pretty. Oh by the way don't tell banks I said any of this he'll beat my ass." He both laughed. It was dawn and the sun was almost gone.
"Come on you should lay down." Sam helped me up and we made are way to mine and Rickys bed room. London was laying on the bed.
"Thank you Sammy" I smiled. Sam called me sweetheart and I called him Sammy. Kinda like how Cheo calls me baby girl or love and such things. I layed down on the white bed and cuddled next to London. I drifted off to sleep.
"Babe..babeeee.... Come on get up!" Banks shook me until I opened my eyes. Which were still covers in last nights crying makeup.
"hi" I spoke soft.
"Babygirl what's wrong?"
"Yo Banks wanna go see Rain?" Nick cut in.
"Yeah hold up." He returned facing me.
"Look. I know something went on last night that freaked you out so today I'll let you chill and do you. Alright?" He smiled.
"Yep." I faintly smiled. He kisses my forehead and left the room. I still could keep my mind off everything wrong with my body. I decided a shower would help. Nope, the shower made everything worse. I wiped the left over makeup off and thought today was t the day to apply more. I brushed through my blondish hair and left it down. I threw on a pair of leggings and a sports bra. I wasn't about to put on an outfit to chill all day. I stayed in bed most of the day. I cuddled with London.
London had to use the bathroom so I decided to walk her. I through on a pair of vans and left. I walked down the street when a group of college students came out. Most of them were pretty hot guys. One guy with jet black hair, a muscular build and bright teeth walked up to me.
"Aye cute dog sugar." His deep voice spoke as he lowered himself to the dogs level to pet her.
"Thanks that's London she's the cutest."
"Sure it. Ya know my dog isn't much bigger then this and he's just a playful."
"Oh cool. We should set up a puppy date?" We both laughed.
"Ya totally. I'm Josh by the way" we shook hands.
"Hi I'm Ocean."
"Sick name."
"Wanna exchange numbers?" I handed him my phone and he handed me his. I typed in my name.
Ocean🌊 and then my number. I took a cute photo for yet profile and handed him his phone. He handed my mine after taking a picture of himself.
Josh😍👐🏻 after he walked away to catch up with his friends I changed his name knowing Ricky would flip. I took out the heart emoji and saved it. I finished walking London and headed home. Ricky wasn't back yet. It was around 2ish and Ricky had left his car here. His keys were on the magnet that was plastered next to the door. I grabbed them and walked out our bedroom door.
"Hey, going somewhere?" Sam climbed the stairs
"Uh yeah I just wanted to go shopping at the mall."
"Oh sweet mind if I come?"
"As long as you're okay with holding all my bags." We laughed and headed down stairs. I sat in the drivers seat and started the car.
- at mall-
"OH MY GOD ITS SAM PEPPER" a couple of girls screamed and ran over to him.
"Who are you?" A girl asked me with a snob look.
"Rickys girlfriend" I smiled.
"Wow who woulda thought." She snapped a picture of Sam and they left.
"Welp who woulda thought Sammy?" I laughed.
"Honestly I didn't think Banks could get a girl as good looking at you."
"I don't know weather to say thank you or slap you?"
"hey! Don't. Touch. The. Face." We laughed and headed over to Victoria secret.
"Look how cuuuuuute" I picked up a g string that was maroon and had a lace front.
"A rag?"  Sam looked around the store.
"No it's a g string. I wounded if they have extra small." He rolled his eyes. Sam trailed me through the store until I picked out a couple things. I had 2 normal bras. One white and one tan. I had what seemed like over a dozen things, g strings, and boyshorts. I had a few push up bras too. I made my way over to the dressing room.
"Sam come here." He followed me.
"You gotta tell me what looks good and what doesn't."
"I gotta go in with you?"
"Yes!" I pulled him in a locked the door. I pulled off my shirt.
"Woah woah woah" Sam stood up.
"Your getting naked?"
"Sammy for God sake have you never seen a naked girl before?"
"Yeah but your not my girl friend."
"Look sit down were not fucking your helping me try on clothes." He sat down and I put on one of the push up bras that had black lace around the edges while the rest of it was maroon. I slipped on the matching g string.
I finished trying on all my clothes. I put the ones I didn't one to the side and made my way to the cash register to pay.
"How are you doing ma'am. Would you like to sign up for are reward card?"
"Uh nope. I'm good thanks." The lady was young same age as me. Blonde short pixie cut and skinny.
"Is this your boyfriend?"  She asked making small talk while ringing up my things.
"No one of my boyfriends friends I dragged along." We laughed as Sam rolled his eyes for the hundredth time today.

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