Chapter 14

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Griffon's POV

The guards marched us down the crystal hallway, the constant beat of their footsteps lulling me into a trance. Before long, we reached the large metal doors that lead to the Royal Armory. As per Lucy's instructions, I ushered the guild members into the vast space and allowed them a moment to look around. Each wall was adorned with weapons and magic scrolls. Throughout the room, there were glass cases, which displayed armor of different sizes, shapes, and calibers.

"If you would follow me, you will be fitted with training gear, weapons, and combat armor." I said, drawing the groups focus back to me.

"Why do we need that stuff?" Natsu asked.

"My weapons are right here." He said, lifting up his fists.

"I understand that you are all very capable wizards; that is why we picked you for this mission. However, seeing as our foe is unknown, it would be best to go into this fight well equipped. The more variables we can control, the better chances we have of success."

I was met by blank stares.

"Allow me to elaborate." I said, trying to make the situation clear.

"Natsu, come here."

The fire mage cautiously complied, and stood a few feet in front of me.

"Here's an example. As we saw with the nails that were pulled out of Lucy's arms, our opponent could have strong anti magic abilities. In other words, you wouldn't be able to use your powers."

It was obvious that some of the wizards were beginning to understand. Erza, Mirajane, and Wendy all shared the same nervous look on there faces.

"Natsu, attack me."

"What?" He said, quite confused.

"Attack me. Your limiters prevent you from using magic. Imagine I'm your foe."

"Hehe. You asked for it."

Natsu charged at me, his fists ready. I easily side stepped his blow.

"What the..?" He said, surprised that his attack had failed.

He turned and charged again, this time with more ferocity.

"When you run at your opponent, you leave yourself wide open."

Tripping him was as easy as sticking my foot out in front of him. Before he hit the floor, I gave him a swift upper cut to the stomach, and he flew across the room.

"As you can see," I said turning back to the shocked group of wizards, "without your magic, you can be quite vulnerable; however, with the right training..."

I was cut off by the battle cry of a hot headed mage. Sidestepping again, I grabbed Natsu's fist and flipped him over my shoulder. He landed with a satisfying 'crack'.

" can become an even stronger weapon than before."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2018 ⏰

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