Chapter 7: Tributon Extreme

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Guren's Pov

The gang and I were at The Turtle Diner, and they were asking me some questions. "Tenkai titan mode was so cool. Gotta figure out how to level up like that too." Toxsa said. "Spill it Guren. Come on dude, what's the play, how'd you get into titan mode?" Chooki asked.

"So, the whole you yelling out that you had to believe in yourself fiasco had nothing to do with. Cause that makes perfect sense." Eliza said as she walked to a different table. "Well, like Mr White said. You have to really believe you can, but, you need a reason to want it. A fire in your belly. It's not just that you want it, that you need it. So, find that fire in your belly and it just kind of happens." I said.

"And here's the believe stuff. Making a reappearance. How wonderful to have it here. Not." Eliza said as she walked to another customer. "So, you're saying, I need to eat a lot of jalapenos cause my stomach's sensitive." Ceylan said. "Wish it was your brain." Eliza mumbled.

"Why does she have to work at your diner?" Ceylan asked Toxsa. "I don't know, needs the money I guess. Anyways, dude, you're totally missing the point, it's not a literal fire. I mean look at me, I don't break a sweat, I don't stink, maybe I'm too cool to get fired up." Toxsa said.

"So, what fires you up beside a new cheat code for dungeonsploders nine?" Chooki asked. "I don't think a cheat code is gonna give you the kind of fire you need." I said. "Hey guys. Are ya hungry, is there anything I can get you to eat?" Wakemai asked.

"Wait sis, you're a genius. One chilli con carne." Toxsa said. "What." Wakemai said. "What in the world is chilli con carne?" I asked. "It's one of my dad's spiciest dishes. That will start a fire in my belly, among other places. I'll so unlock tenkai titan mode, just you watch me." Toxsa mentioned.

"Welp, there's a dead child for you." Eliza said. "No watch me. I'll get the spicy mustard fried chicken." Ceylan said. "Copycat." Toxsa said. "What is that?" I asked. "It's just another spicy dish we serve. To be honest, it's not that bad once you're taste buds burn off." Toxsa said.

Ceylan smirked. "And for dessert you can eat my dust." Ceylan said. "Sis, get extra napkins for the tears Ceylan's about to cry." Toxsa said. "Bring it on." Ceylan said. After a few minutes, or about thirty minutes, their food was ready. I looked and saw Eliza with her phone out and standing next to a fire extinguisher.

"Hey, it's just for precautions, I don't want a building being burned down." Eliza said as she noticed me looking. "Here you go. Good luck." Wakemai said as she placed their food in front of them. "Well, ready to give up?" Toxsa asked. "I'm ready for you to lose." Ceylan said.

"This is so on." Toxsa said. "You guys sure know how to run your mouths, why don't you try eating a little." Chooki suggested. Toxsa and Ceylan glared at each other before grabbing their utensils and eating some of the wonderful food they decided to eat. It seemed to burn.

And by a lot. Toxsa and Ceylan chugged down their orange juice which seemed to cool them down. "See, I'm as cool as an icicle." Ceylan said. "My mouth's a glacier." Toxsa said. "Call me snow tongue." Ceylan said. "I'm ice head." Toxsa said. "Ceylan, Toxsa chill." I said.

"We are." Toxsa and Ceylan said in unison. "Look, I don't think this is gonna work." I said. "I think you two don't want this bad enough. Clearly the solution is to eat something much hotter." Chooki said. "Are you trying to kill them?" Eliza asked.

"Hotter." Toxsa and Ceylan said in surprise. "Okay, you first." Toxsa and Ceylan said, clearly not wanting to do it. "I'll do it." Eliza volunteered and took a piece of the chicken Ceylan had. She ate the whole thing without looking like she was about to die.

"How can you eat that?" Ceylan asked. "Grew up liking spicy food." Eliza said as she headed out the diner. "Kitchen's closed." Mr Dalton said which caused all of us to leave. The next day, Ceylan and I were in class when Ms Fenwick walked in with a guy dressed all in black. Must be new.

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