Chapter 1: Two worlds

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Ceylan's Pov
It was a peaceful day at school, well it was only the start of the day but yeah, it was really peaceful until the teacher had to ruin it by coming in with a kid with red and black hair.

"Before we get started, I would like you all to meet Guren. He's a new transfer student all the way from middle town. Guren, welcome to Benham City. Why don't you say hello to the class and tell us a little bit about yourself." the teacher said.

I started to get an airplane ready to fly. "Well, let me see. My name's Guren Nash and I just moved here with my dad on a count of his work and um, I like your tower." the kid said and as soon as he said that I threw the plane at him, crashing into his hair but then falling.

"Ceylan Jones. Totally unexceptable behaviour and since you seem to be so intrigued by your new classmate, you can be his guide for the day. Go on Guren, take the seat next to him." Ms Fenwick said.

Guren took the seat next to me and Ms Fenwick started class about the roman empire. I could see from the corner of my eye that a girl was giving me the 'I hate you' look but I didn't care.

Halfway through the lesson and I thought of an idea. "Ehmm." I said to Guren. "Ehmm." I said again and he looked at me.

I gave a growling face and then I had a funny expression face with markers and a burp effect to make it better. Then Guren tried to hold in his laughter but failed and laughed out loud.

"Well I'm glad you find the roman empire so funny, Guren." Ms Fenwick said. "Yes, I mean no." Guren said and she continued class. At the end of class, Guren walked up to the girl that gave me the 'I hate you' look.

???'s Pov
I was packing my stuff up when the new kid Guren walks up to me with his guide next to him. I found Ceylan annoying along with two other people and I hoped the new kid wasn't like him.

"Hi, it seems like your the only one that doesn't laugh at Ceylan's jokes." Guren said. "They aren't funny." I said. "Well, I was wondering if you want to hang out and maybe help correct Ceylan on where he is going." Guren suggested.

"Okay but only because he might get you lost." I said looking to Ceylan. "I'm not that clueless." Ceylan said. "Name's Eliza." I said and held out my hand and Guren shook it. "Guren but you already know that." Guren said.

Guren, Ceylan and I walked outside and then Ceylan asks a weird question. "So what do you think?" Ceylan asks Guren. "Its pretty much like my last school except for this one kid I sit next to in history class whose like from another planet." Guren said.

"Tell me about it. At least you didn't get stuck next to the new kid from middle town with the goofy hair who probably wants me to show him around." Ceylan said. "I'm Ceylan Jones." Ceylan said. "Guren." Guren said. "Hey dude." Guren also says. "Dude to you." Ceylan says.

"Hurry up or do you want a monkey to show him around cause I can hire one." I say. "Really." Ceylan said. "Yeah but we already got one." I said and pointed to Ceylan. "Lets just show Guren around." Ceylan said clearly annoyed. "So anyway, downtown's kinda cool. Wanna check it out." Ceylan suggests.

"Sure, but I gotta be home in time for dinner with my dad." Guren says. Ceylan drags us to the mall. "This is the new Benham City mall. I mean, its only a mall, you should see the food court, taco bar." Ceylan says. Right now I want to slap him in the face.

We then showed him random stuff until Guren says 'Woah'. "Hey did you see that?" Guren asks us and runs off. Good thing that I am not girly and that I run alot. "What, see what. Hey where are you going?" Ceylan asks and we both chase after Guren.

"If your looking for the bathroom, its the other way." Ceylan says while running. "Why are we running?" Ceylan asks. "Your supposed to be his guide and you don't know where we're going, smart just smart." I said as we stopped in front of a shop.

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