Chapter 2: Dragon cubes

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Guren's Pov
Everything around us disappeared and showed the cubed world. "Pretty realistic dream. It's the planet we were just on. Its weird how we can see it now." I said. "I'm kinda freaking out now, and not in a good way."  Ceylan said.

"Yeah I know. Join the club." I said. "Already joined but I left that club long time ago." We heard Eliza say. "Really." Ceylan said. "You two are not fighting right now." I said. "Mr White." I said as we ran upstairs. "We need to talk." Ceylan said, right behind me. "I don't, they do." Eliza said.

"My word, what seems to be the hurry." Mr White said. "These blocks, or whatever you call them, what are they?" I asked. "And how come we got turned into robots?" Ceylan asked. "And whats with that planet we saw?" I asked.

"We really need some answers and we need it now." Ceylan said. "Not to worry, we expected questions and answers are too be found." Mr White said. "Wait, what do you mean by, 'we'?" Ceylan and I asked. "Uh, he's not the only person who knows about were we went, I do too." Eliza said.

"Forgot you were alive." Ceylan said. "And if you want, I'll make you dead." Eliza said. We went upstairs and sat down on some couches. "Tea, are the answers in tea?" Ceylan asked as Mr White set some tea for Ceylan and I.

"Yes, I, see I'll need to work on my refreshments. Oh well. Is it some answers you seek." Mr White said and placed a different silver brick in front of us. "Another one of those, big deal." Ceylan said. "Not now." Eliza said and the brick started glowing.

"I take it back, it's a very big deal." Ceylan said. Then the robot that chased us in the basement appeared. "Its the robot from the basement." I said. "Robot, no, this is Boreas, guardian of the portal. A tenkai hologram of Boreas." Mr White said.

"So not such a big deal after all. Nah there's nothing to be afraid of here your just a regular ol hologram." Ceylan said. Then the Boreas hologram started to emit a light and Ceylan and I closed our eyes. We found ourselves in a dark place.

"Well on the bright side, we're still alive." Ceylan said to me. Then the dark placed disappeared and revealed a fight on Quarton. "In ancient times my planet Quarton was the scene of a great war. Between the Corekai and the Corrupted. The war raged on for centuries until the tenkai dragon was awoken." Boreas said and the floor cracked underneath us and a robot dragon came out of it.

"The dragons rage could only be stopped by the combined strengths of the four tenkai knights." Boreas said. "So is this dragon a force of good or evil?" I asked.

Then Boreas came close to us. "Neither and both. Depending on who controls it. The dragon was defeated and its parts scattered across the galaxies. Neither it nor the legendary four have been seen since. But Villius, warlord of the Corrupted, has reappeared. He seeks to find and assemble the scattered fragments of the dragon and use its power to establish dominion over the planet Quarton and beyond. If he succeeds, he will gain control of the portal, giving him access to earth. He might even gain the power to shift Quarton's axis, jeopardising the balance between your world and ours putting both at risk. You must stop him. You must find the five scattered fragments of the dragon before Villius can. It is for this that you have been chosen, to take on the mantel of the legendary tenkai knights." Boreas said.

"Oh good he's gone." Ceylan said. "Hey, come back, you can't just leave it at that." I yelled. "I... I guess he can." Ceylan said as Mr White's room, Mr White and Eliza was around us again.

Eliza's Pov
So Guren and Ceylan came back from Boreas's history lesson and the silver corebrick stopped glowing. "How was the history lesson?" I asked. "First history lesson I actually listened in." Ceylan said. "So, who wants more tea?" Mr White asked.

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