Episode 24: It Will Be Cleansed

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Episode 24: It Will Be Cleansed

            Angela feel to her knees as the room shook, followed by demonic laughter of cackling. Angela encountered a flashback of her speaking with King Dycoon before he became king, entered her line of thought. The Royal Family, Zac, Trista, Jenna, and Travis had all been her strength. Dycoon had once said tot them,

            “You’ll face many challenges. Some together and some alone. Just remember that in the darkest of times, through evil, one can find strength,

            “Amy is the only one left and I will not let it end like this,” Angela said to herself while standing up. She headed for the sink and the water that came out of it was blood, which caused her to jump back. The spell Angela was ready to use she had used a portion of it before when she was faced with Kibosh.

            “By the power of the Water Elemental Warriors before me, I cast this evil out! By the power of the Water Elemental Warriors before me, I cast this evil out!” Angela invoked as she submerged her hands into the blood. Daaja screamed in agony as her beastly hands reached out of the blood, latching onto Angela’s wrists. “By the power of the Water Elemental Warriors before me, I cast this evil out!” Angela continued to say concentered as the spell required complete submission. She submerged her hands again into the blood, burning Daaja from the cleansing.

Never!” Daaja echoed throughout the bathroom.

“By the power of all of the Water Elemental Warriors before me…I cast this evil out!” Angela shouted as a flash of light-blue light emerged from her eyes, filling up the room upon her re-submerging her hands. When the light reverted back inside her eyes, the sink water over flowed to the floor and as soon as it did that, it started to slither. The water slithered like a snake around Angela, forming an upside down triangle. “Autumn…season of water, I call to you.” Angela kept repeating the spell while within the protection room; Amy sat by a desk with her knees touching her chest. Frustrated, Amy pounded the side of the desk, which caused a secret compartment to fall down under the desk. Amy reached in and pulled out a handcrafted shotgun.

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