37. Beauty Beyond the Ashes

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I allow Seth to drag me down the sidewalk and to his truck parked along the side of the road. He swings my door open and then waits for me to hop in before shutting the door with an exaggerated flick of his wrist. His face crinkles into a boyish smile as he peers at me for a brief moment through the window, and then before I can respond, he's whipping his way around the hood of the truck and jumping in.

"You seem awfully excited," I observe aloud.

He just shrugs, revealing that same youthful grin as he starts up the engine. He's tapping his fingers along the steering wheel as light Indie music trickles through the air. The wind tickles my scalp through the open windows and I finally allow myself to relax into my seat.

We don't talk, but I can't help but notice the carefree atmosphere that seems to surround us. My heart aches with everything that's hit me over the past few days, weeks, and months, but right now, at this moment, I think I'm on the edge of happy. I can see a wave of good headed my way and the arms of my soul are reaching out desperately for it.

I've lost all reservation. I've lost all caution. Up until my mother's death, I'd been so afraid of doing anything in regards to Seth because I feared it would only make things worse. But now, I just don't care. I don't care if my honesty pushes him away. I don't care if my actions repulse him. I don't care if awakening the girl I'm supposed to be only ruins us further.

I don't care.

Because for some reason, I feel that being open is worth the risk. Maybe it's a dangerous place to be, but I feel as though I've tried everything. The only option now is to just be me—the girl he fell in love with in the beginning. If he loved her once, maybe he can love her again. That is if he doesn't already. My chest still contracts at the possibility of him sharing my love, but it's been weeks since my confession and he doesn't seem the least bit concerned about saying it back.

I'm going to wait until he reveals his intentions for today. I'm curious about where he's taking me. I want to know what he has planned. But as soon as today is over, I'm going to come right out and ask him. I'll interrogate him all night if I have to. I've gotten some answers, but I need more. I won't be satisfied until every stray question floating around in my brain is answered.

Be prepared Seth Vans, I'm coming for you.

But for now, in this peaceful moment, I'm going to let it go and just enjoy myself. Which is exactly what I do. Without another thought, I find myself pulling my legs up on the seat and then pushing myself up and out the window where I sit on the windowsill. The wind catches each strand of hair and tangles them around my head, but I'm feeling too free to care about the mess I'll have to deal with later. I lean my head back, keeping my grip tight on the edge of the door as my body sizzles with energy. I'm free. This feeling is what used to keep me alive... no wonder I've been slowly dying over the past few years. I've put myself in bondage by committing so heavily to work instead of play.

My arms are bent in order to hold my body as close to the truck as possible, but when Seth swerves the vehicle carefully onto a country road, I let myself go. My arms extend, losing all slack as I lean back, my hands still clinging to the door as I sway with the breeze. I drop my head back and smile up at the sky. Normally Seth would be laughing while tugging me back inside the vehicle, but he doesn't do anything to stop me.

My eyes are closed, but when the music suddenly switches from Indie to Rap, my heart swells. Seth hates Rap, so I know this action was specifically done for me. I almost feel like he knows exactly what it is that I need right now, and he's willingly offering it to me.

Was this his plan all along? To venture out into the open fields where nothing but freedom lay? If that's the case, then the man I'm married to is brilliant. He seems to know what I need far before I do. It's astounding at times, and I've missed it.

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