Chapter 1.

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Lilly's pov

I woke up to Mandy shaking me and I groaned.

"Come on we got school babe." She said and I sat up and rubbed my eyes. I got up and went to Mickey's room. He had some hoe in his bed. He was up though.

"You look trapped." I said and he nodded yes. I walked over and pushed her off the bed and went to his bathroom and got a shower. I wrapped a towel around my body and Mickey walked in. I dried my hair and left it curly. I did my make up and than brushed my teeth and put deodorant on and walked put of the bathroom and got dressed. The hoe was still on his floor. I kicked her leg and she groaned.

"Come on you gotta go." I said and she rolled over saying fuck off.

"Mandy get me the bucket." I yelled and I heard Mickey laugh from the bathroom. Mandy came in and gave me the bucket. I dumped the water on her and she shrieked.

"Bye bye." I said as she got up and glared walking out. Mandy put a towel on the wet floor and Mickey came out and kissed my cheek.

"We got school. Don't go getting arrested." I said to Mickey as he smirked at me and I rolled my eyes and Mandy and I went to school. You might be wondering why I'm at their house instead of mine. Well Fiona kicked me out last week.


"Gallagher's!" I heard Frank yelling in my house as I walked up the steps and went to my room grabbing more clothes.

"What are you doing?" Ian asked ans I looked over my shoulder to see him and my twin.

"Going back to Mandy's. Fiona still don't want me here." I said and went to my bed and lifted it. I grabbed my money stash and my pot. I grabbed my bag and kissed my brothers cheek and left. I went to the Milkovich's house. I walked inside and went to Mandy's house and put my bag by the bed. I kicked my boots off and changed. I put on one of Mickey's Hoodies and walked out and he was on the couch drinking a beer. I went over and sat next to him and he put his arm around me and I snuggled up to him. His brothers walked in and kissed my head.

"Come on your tired." Mickey said and got up and grabbed my hand ans took me to his room. He changed into sweets and got in bed as I rubbed my eyes and got in bed. He pulled me closer to him and I fell asleep.

Ian's pov

"You need to get Lilly back here Fiona." I said and the other agreed.

"She went to juvi for cocaine." Fiona said and I rolled my eyes.

"How else do you think she makes money Fiona. She sells drugs. And don't even say that she uses because she doesn't. She only smokes pot." Lip said and Fiona ran a hand through her hair.

"Last time I check you have done cocaine." I said and she rubbed her face this time.

"Who is Lilly?" Steve asked and we looked at him.

"Lips twin sister. She's staying at Mandy's." Debbie said and he said oh.

"What room does she stay in?" He asked and I said she shares with us three.

"Wait a 17 year old girl shares a room with her brothers?" He asked and Fiona chuckled.

"She's not a normal 17 year old girl. She was a tomboy when she was Carl's age and than she met Mandy." I said and the others agreed.

"And she's a drug dealer?" He asked and Fiona nodded yes.

Lilly's pov

I woke up to Mickey's dick on my thigh. I poked his cheek and he mumbled. I poked his hard dick this time and his eye fluttered open.

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