Chapter 3.

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Mickey's pov

Mandy ran into my room saying Lilly got arrested. I jumped up and we ran outside and she was being shoved into the cop car. She was banged up and Mandy yelled her name but I pulled her to me so she didn't do anything. The cops got in and drove off. We shared a look and than ran to her house and banged on the door. Fiona opened in.

"Lilly she got busted but she didn't have anything on her." Mandy said breathless. Fiona cursed and let us in. Frank had a smug look on his face.

"Did you turn her in?" Mandy yelled voicing my thoughts.

"Sure did." He said and Lip tackled him and some guy grabbed Lip.

"If she goes back to jail you won't get money." I said and his smug look dropped.

"Dumb ass." Fiona said and kicked him out of the house. We all went to the police station and she was in an orange jump suit and in a cell.

"I got court tomorrow. They only got me hitting a cop. They didn't find anything. But Mickey go to our house." She said emphasizing our.

"Same spot?" I asked and she said yup. I nodded and said got it. We told her what Frank did and she punched the wall.

"You'll get tried as an adult but get 4 months for hitting a cop." I said and she shrugged.

"I'll be with Grammy so its what ever. Just visit and keep my work going." She said and I said I can do that.

"Oh Mandy check on Tyler he was shot. He should be at Nico's." She said and Mandy said yeah.

"How are you so calm?" Fiona's boyfriend asked and Lilly looked at him.

"Because I've been to juvi before. Couple of over nighters. Its not new for me. You Mr Steve you watch out for Fiona and my sibling's. If I get out and they even have one hair missing and I'll cut your tongue off and shove it up ass." She said and i chuckled at the threat.

"Times up." A cop said and we hugged her bye and left.

Time skip.

Lilly's pov

I got 5 months in prison. I was chilling with my Grammy in the Tv room.

"So what did you do to get pinched for?" Grammy asked and smirked at me.

"They would have pinched me for selling Cocaine but I ditch it at a house I know and than ran to a friends house and hid my money. I got pinched for punching the shit out of a cop." I said and she laughed and said yup your my granddaughter.

4 months later.

I've been in more fights than the last time I was in prison. I'm always in Solitary. Grammy was saying she's very proud of me.

Philip's pov

God I miss my twin sister. Its not the same. Frank hasn't been around. I visit her and tell her what's going on. She's pissed off about Steve for what he did to Frank. And she's off for what Frank did to Ian. She got our last name on her other side of her ribs. Mickey came with me and told her what happened with his dad and she was even more pissed. She told us what he did when she was over and he was piss drunk. It pissed us off but we understood why she didn't tell us. They may let her out early due to over crowding.

Lilly's pov

I was released early. Grammy told me to do her a favor so I'm doing the that tomorrow. She gave me paper of the man she want me to talk to. Tyler picked me up and he said damn and turned my face to the side. We went to his house and I got a shower and got changed. I walked out and he was in just sweats.

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