Chapter 6.

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Lilly's pov

Its been 3 months since Alex deployed. He calls and video chats. I was out selling when I heard a siren. I legged it home. I ran inside and jumped over the couch throwing my shit to Lip and legged it out to the van. I closed the door and hide so they didn't looked through the window and see me. I heard running but than it stopped.

"She got away." I heard Tony radio in.

"Get the hell out of here!" Lip and Ian yelled and Tony apologized and than I heard a faint car drive away. Lip and Ian poked their heads in and I sighed in relief.

"Man now I have to find a new selling grounds." I said and they came in and laughed. Carl joined us and we smoked up. Soon we went inside and I sent Carl to bed since we go back to school tomorrow. Damn you winter break. I sell to teachers and students. I grabbed the bills and and envelopes. I snuck upstairs as everyone was now asleep and grabbed my money. I went back downstairs and started writing the bill name on the envelopes. I did this til one when Debbie came down to refill Liam's cup.

"You okay Debs?" I asked and she looked up at me.

"Yes just tired." She said and I waved her to me and she came over and I kissed her head and she hugged me and went upstairs. I finished up bye 2 o'clock. Fiona came down and saw me. I was putting the bills in a box.

"What are you doing Lilly?" She asked ans I smiled and said bills. I grabbed a cigarette and we sat on the porch and talked.

"So I bought the house next door and I'm renting it out. I fixed it up with Tyler. Furnished it and everything. I already rent it out to some guy." I said and she smiled and hugged me than we went up to bed. I collapsed on my bed and fell asleep.

"7:15 monkeys time for school." Fiona said and shook mine and Lips leg. We got up and I beat them to the bathroom. I took a 5 minute shower and than got out and wrapped a towel around my body and walked out of the bathroom after brushing and drying my hair. I walked into my room and got dressed before the boys came in.

I walked downstairs with my bag,Keys and phone

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I walked downstairs with my bag,Keys and phone.

"Hurry up and eat guys. I'm driving today." I said and they cheered.

"If you need my car just come to the school." I said to Fiona and she smiled and said okay.

3 more months later.

I walked to the house to see Karen stand over my twin.

"What the fuck is going on?" I yelled and Karen turned around.

"Fuck you." She spat and I stepped forward.

"Say what?" I asked clenching my fist.

"I said fuck you!" She yelled and I punched her in the face and she stumbled back.

"Get the fuck off my property before I fucking send you to the fucking hospital skank." I yelled and she glared but turned to Lip.

"Stay away from me, Stay away from Jody and stay away from this baby." She yelled and left shoulder checking me.

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