Chapter 2.

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Lilly's pov

Mickey came over since the house was empty and we went to my room and I shut the door and he pushed me on my bed and started kissing me.

Time skip.

Mandy came over and and I told what happened the other day and she hugged me and said she was so sorry.

"Hey its okay. I'm okay I promise. Just don't tell Mickey please." I said and she nodded and we hung out in the van and smoked. Lip and Ian joined us. Soon Mandy went home and I went to our room and laid in bed. Ian and Lip joined me on my bed.

"What's wrong?" They asked and I said nothing.

"Lilly we know when something is wrong." Lip said and I said its just work stuff. I looked at the time and I sighed.

"I have to go see my sellers. You two want to come?" I asked and they said yeah. We got ready and left. We went to the corner by the El. My sellers were there. We went into the café and I split the money that they made and gave them their share. The boys and I soon went home and I counted my cash with a cigarette wedged in my teeth. Fiona walked in as I counted my money.

"Here its for the gas bill." I said giving her 300 dollars. She kissed my head and said thanks. She left saying good night.


I walked downstairs all dressed for today. It was a Saturday so I was hanging with Ian at work today.

I walked out of the house and stopped at the café and got me a coffee

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I walked out of the house and stopped at the café and got me a coffee. I went to Kash n Grab. I walked in to see Mickey running out. He grabbed my hand dragging me with him. We got to an abandoned house and he told me everything.

"Hey look at me." I said and he looked at me.

"I'll be your fake girlfriend so you can still be around my brother." I said and he smiled and hugged me.

"Thanks Lilly." He said and I kissed his head and said no problem.

"So your moans when we fucked where they real?" I asked and he laughed.

"Yes surprisingly they were." He said and I smirked.

"I guess I can make gay guys moan." I joked and he playfully shoved me.

"Do you think Kash will tell people?" He asked and I looked at him.

"If he does I'll his tell his wife that he's been screwing my brother. Than I'll cut his tongue out and shove it up his ass." I said and he smiled. My phone rang and it was Tyler one of my sellers.

"I'm busy this better be good."

"Jake got pinched."

"What!" I yelled standing up and Mickey stood up confused.

"Yeah he got pinched 30 minutes ago."

"How much is bail?"

"Not sure but its his second bust. He said to tell you not to pay bail."

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