Ferris Bueller // 4

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"I know you don't care," you replied

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"I know you don't care," you replied. "You're Ferris Bueller; the guy that has practically the entire world kneeling down to his every demand."

Ferris furrowed his eyebrows and tilted his head. "What? My teachers hate me. Hell, my own sister hates me! How do I have the whole world kneeling down to me?" he asked. "And what makes you think I don't care about you?"

You ran your fingers through your hair out of frustration. "I-I don't know, just that carefree attitude you always have! You're cute and popular and funny. Everyone loves you." Ferris grinned at you. "See! That's what I mean!"


"You don't care. I know you don't. You're grinning while I tell you all of this."

He shook his head. "I'm not smiling because I don't care. I'm siling because I think it's funny that you think I have everything handed to me. I have to try in school to keep my grades up just like you, even if I do ditch a lot. I have to help around the house. I have to deal with the gossip always being spread about me. Sure, I'm popular, but is that really a good thing? Everyone always has their nose in my business because of it."

His words hit you hard, and you immediately felt guilty for assuming that his life is just perfect. You held your head in your hands and apologized over and over again.

"(Y/N), it's okay. Really, it is... And I didn't know you thought I was cute," he said with a smirk. Your face turned bright red. Ferris tossed the taxi driver his money as the highschool came into view. You both got out and headed towards the building.

"Well, I must say, you're pretty adorable yourself." He quickly ran off to find Cameron, leaving you infront of the school, stunned.

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