The Strongest Pair, Pt.6

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  "Akane, doing good! (F/n), what the HELL are you doing?!"

(F/n) lay flat on the floor on her stomach. She glared up at her dojo instructor- well, old dojo instructor. (F/n) had simply went for a little workout, but suddenly fell ill and hit the floor. The glare that she had mustered quickly faltered as she flopped back down with a groan. "I can't get a sarcastic comment out, so, basically, I think I'm sick." The instructor's face turned from agitated to concerned.

"I've never seen you this ill. Maybe you should go to a doctor." (F/n) groaned once more. "My husband said that a couple days ago... Guess I really do have to go." (F/n) stood up and grabbed her towel, heading for the exit. "Wait, (F/n), you're married?" Before she could answer his question, however, she had walked out the door. Akane stood up with a smile. "Big sister (F/n) is married to Big Brother Shizuo!" The instructor hummed. "Why am I not surprised...?"

After texting Shizuo that she was going to the doctor, (F/n) shoved her hands into her pockets, frowning. I've never had this kind of illness before. I hope it's nothing drastic. With a sigh, (F/n) looked up to the sky. I haven't been to a legit doctor in... In... ...I don't remember!! That's probably bad, right?!

It wasn't long before (F/n) sat in the waiting room of the doctor's office office, face buried in a magazine. She did her best to ignore the stares and whispers. Apparently, the magazine Niekawa wrote for ((F/n) couldn't remember what it was called) was read by everybody in the office- especially the patients.

As (F/n) flipped through the magazine, she stopped when she saw a picture with familiar people in it. The article! (F/n) couldn't help but smile as she read. The pictures came out quite nicely, and, surprisingly, the article spoke very highly of her and Shizuo, considering the past they had with the reporter.

"Miss (F/n) Heiwajima?" At the sound of her name, (F/n) rose and set the magazine down before walking in. "Room 3, please." The woman did as she was told, and to her surprise (and slight disgust) the doctor she went to all those years ago sat in the chair. (F/n) grit her teeth and forced a smile. "Oh. Long time no see, Doctor Harrison."

"If it isn't (F/n)!" (F/n) felt her eye twitch. I also haven't seen this annoying doctor in I-don't-remember! "I'll help ya out and get ya outta here all quick-like. What's goin' on?" (F/n) walked in and sat on the medical table/bed/whatever the doctors call them/ and propped her head on her fist. " "Well. I've been having cramps, I get tired easily, and my period hasn't come to make a bloody mess." The doctor froze for a second before writing everything (F/n) had said.

"Well, lay down, and we'll do the usual tests. I have my suspicions..." (F/n) raised an eyebrow as she laid down.

A few minutes later...

(F/n) swung her legs back and forth, waiting for Doctor Harrison to get back from the lab. The doctor came back with a wide grin on her face, making poor (F/n) sweat drop. W...What's with that look? "(F/n), you've grown up so much!!" (F/n) blinked, badly confused. "H...Huh?"

"You're pregnant!!"

(F/n) froze. Her legs dropped from mid-swing. "Wait... I'm..." The information sunk in. (E/c) eyes went wide. "P-P-Pregnant?! Are you absolutely sure?!" Harrison clapped her hands. "Of course! Now I've got some papers and stuff for you..." As she gathered the papers, (F/n) sat there, mouth agape. How...? "Everything you need to know is in here, but do you have any questions?" (F/n) hesitated. "I know this sounds really, really bad, but... How does someone get pregnant...?"
After getting laughed out of the doctor's office, (F/n) rolled the papers up and stormed toward Shinra's place. How dare she! If I had my brass knuckles on, I would've...! (F/n) took out her phone to rant to Shizuo, but noticed her message from earlier had failed. Oh, that's right. Shizuo got arrested... (F/n) had a whole temper tantrum about it and had stormed into the interrogation room when that happened. There was a mark in the metal door where she had punched in sheer anger.

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