The Strongest Pair, Plus One

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Chikara's Current Age: 5

"Mommy, why do you hate Izaya-san so much?"

(F/n) met her daughter's eyes in the mirror in front of them. "Well, sweetie, Izaya is a very bad man. He does horrible things for fun, and your father and I have had an issue with him since high school." Chikara hummed. "Do you think he could be a nice man, mommy?"

Shizuo happened to walk in at that time and answered Chikara's question. "Considering his personality, no. Unfortunately, not everyone can change their ways. Although he shouldn't screw with us now that we've got another Heiwajima." Chikara giggled as (F/n) finished brushing the girl's hair. "Oh, and mommy, daddy? Why can't I go to school? I'm old enough, aren't I?"

Husband and wife met eyes with a guilty look. "Chikara..." (F/n) bent down and placed her hands on her daughter's small shoulders. "You are a very special child, with your strength and that super smart brain of yours. But not everyone understands you." Chikara looked down sadly. "But..." Shizuo mimicked (F/n)'s position with a smile. "When the time comes, we'll put you in school. But you get all you need from your mom for now, okay?"

Chikara nodded. "Okay!" Chikara ran down the stairs, jumping at the last two. Shizuo chuckled. "She's got all your energy." (F/n) smiled and hugged his arm. "She's gonna be a great person when she gets older." Shizuo frowned. "Ugh, don't say that. I really don't want her to grow up." (F/n) laughed at Shizuo's fatherly-like words. It was quiet for a few moment before (F/n) spoke up again.

"You know, we're in our thirties now... But ten, twenty years ago, I never even thought I'd have a kid, let alone be married." Shizuo ruffled her hair. "Yeah, I get that."

"Hey, Shizuo, I've got some work to finish up for the station. Maybe you should take Chikara out to the park or something." With a shrug, Shizuo began to head downstairs. "Chikara, let's go take a walk so mommy can finish her work."


"Daddy, can I ask you a question?" Shizuo chuckled as he walked hand-in-hand with his daughter. "You just did." Chikara puffed her cheeks out (a trait she had gotten from her mother). "Daddy, how did you meet mommy? You've never told me." Shizuo looked up to the night sky, covered with stars. "Well... I met your mother when I accidentally threw a school desk at her." Chikara gasped. "Whaaaat? You threw a desk at her?!"

Shizuo chuckled once more at the little girl's reaction. "It wasn't on purpose. I had gotten angry at some kids bullying me and she happened to walk in when I threw the desk. But then, we argued for a very long time," Shizuo smiled slightly, recollecting the memories from his childhood. "She was smug and I had a bad temper. But then, I rescued her from bad people."

"Like how a prince rescues a princess?" Chikara's eyes sparkled, and Shizuo laughed. "You could say that. We had been good friends for the longest time, until we were in our twenties. It was kinda funny, how it all happened. (F/n) was always over at my house because her parents lived in America and she got lonely." Chikara tlted her head. "Ah-mer-i-ca? What's that?" Shizuo smiled. "America is a country on the other side of the world, sweetie."

"After a fight with some... Odd people, your mother got very injured." Chikara piped up again, her excitement obvious. "You mean those scars she has on her tummy?" With a nod, the blond man continued. "Yup. I got angry at her, and was going to lecture her, and then she kissed me, just like that." Chikara stuck her tongue out. "Eww, kissing is gross!" Shizuo chuckled. "Ever since then, Chikara, your mother and I have been together. And then we had you."

Chikara giggled and looked up to the sky. It was silent as they walked, minus the light chatter of people passing by. "Hey, daddy?" Shizuo looked down. "Yes?" Chikara had stopped completely to look up at the sky. "What would have happened if you never met mommy? Or, at least, if you never got along with her?" Shizuo had never thought about that, really. "...I really don't know, Chikara. All I could say is that I might still be looking for her if I never met her."

"Would you be fighting Izaya-san?" With a sheepish smile, Shizuo looked to the side. "Yeah, but by myself. With your mother, we were able to teach him more lessons than I can count. And you're a big help, too." Chikara giggled, and the two walked back with smiles on their faces.

A couple days later...

"Hey, mommy?"
"Yes, sweetie?"
"Why did it take you so long to realize you loved daddy?"

(F/n) nearly choked on her tea. "W-What makes you say that?" Chikara smiled innocently. "When we were out walking, daddy told me how you met him!" (F/n) placed her cup down and sighed. Seriously, Shizuo? You told her all that? "Welll..." (F/n) put her hands behind her head and closed her eyes.

"Honestly, Chikara, I wonder that too. But when I was your age, and until I was in my late teens, early twenties, I had never experienced anything but love from my parents," Chikara furrowed her eyebrows. "Ex-per-i-enced?" (F/n) chuckled. "It means to feel. I had never felt any other love than from my parents. When I met your dad, we argued and yelled and screamed at each other until he got me out of a sticky situation." Chikara smiled. "He rescued you from bad guys!"

"That's right. But... It took me a long, long time to realize I loved your father. And then it took me a long, long time to tell him so," (F/n) opened her eyes and looked at her tiny, innocent daughter. "But I think everything worked out just fine in the end." Chikara leaned forward. "What do you mean?"

(F/n) picked Chikara up and placed her on her lap. "You see, Chikara, if I had realized I loved your father before I did, I might not have stayed with him. And then you wouldn't be here." Chikara rested against (F/n)'s chest. "I hope my boyfriend will stay with me forever and ever!" (F/n) sweat-dropped. "It's too early to even be thinking about boys, Chikara..."

As I grew older, I found out that my parents were the talk of Ikebukuro, always. Mom was a member of the special police, but she constantly got into a fight with gangs. She gave me a pair of brass knuckles on my thirteenth birthday. Dad was also known as 'The Best of Ikebukuro'- when really, he was just misunderstood for his strength and his temper.

I'm twenty-three now, and my parents, amazingly, still have their strength for being so old. In fact, they don't even look old, and I'm glad. The only thing I can hope is that I find love just like my mother did- and, hopefully, my parents will support me along the way.

As of now, Ikebukuro must be one of the quietest towns in Japan. But just you wait...

My name's Chikara Heiwajima, and I'm ready to bring the 'strange' back into this town!

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