Chapter 3 | Mega-Monkeys Five

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I do not own teen titans or any of the characters in this story.

Word Count: 636

~Cyborg's P.O.V.~

I opened the Titans Tower's front doors to see my long waiting package. Carefully lifting the box from it's spot, I closed the doors and found my way to where two other titans were hanging out. Carefully placing the box on the coffee table, I gained the attention of Beast Boy and Starfire. I stepped away from the box and walked over to the kitchen area. Picking up a knife and wondering back over the the coffee table.

"Whats in the box?" BB asked a puzzled expression planted on his green face as I positioned the knife just over the box. I did't answer BB's question, just to annoy him a bit. "Come ooonnn, pleeeeease." Beast Boy had shifted into a little dog, giving his best puppy eyes. I slowly cut the tape taking in the scents of the package while BB hung over my shoulder watching intently, getting impatient. "Hurry uppp, man! You're killing me!"

"Cyborg, why would you harm Beast Boy?" Star gasped, quickly raising to her feet and placing her hand on her hips, inspecting Beast Boy for any wounds. "You don't seem to be wounded Beast Boy, is he hurting you from the inside?" She spoke after a while, BB slightly shaking his head, rolling his eyes.

"We have GOT to teach Star some expressions" Garfield sighed, slumping into a seat on the couch with a frustrated sigh.

I sliced the blade through the rest of the tape quickly, the cardboard box opened slightly, not enough for Beast Boy to sneak a peek at the wonders inside. An anxious silence hung within the room with only Beast Boy at Starfire currently present.

"I, Cyborg, present to you, the amazing, limited addition, MEGA-MONKEYS FIVE!" Lifting the game from the box, I noticed a few packaging peanuts fly out of the box onto the floor.


~Beast Boy's P.O.V.~

"Dude! How'd you get your hands on a copy! It's not supposed to be out for a whole two months!" I leapt up, standing on top of the sofa to gain extra hight, inspecting the game case. "Are you sure it's real?" I questioned leaning closer, having to regain my balance a few times. "What if it's a fake?"

"The game creators sent it to me, it's only the beta version. We are testing it out to give feedback." A pleased smirk rested itself on Victor's half robot face. "I'm pretty sure it's as real as it can be."

"Your earthly ways are very strange, a beta is the second command in a wolf pack is it not?" Star asked, calmly seated on the sofa with her legs crossed and hands folded in her lap all fancy like. I opened my mouth to answer but Cy beat me to it.

"Different words have many meanings, beta does mean the second in command for wolves, but it's also a version in a game in progress." Victor answered sounding smart and all.

"Oh, thank you for the information, there is still so much I must learn about this world." I heard Koriand'r lightly sigh, her hands at her sides and eyes on her feet.

"It's fine, even I don't know everything, and trust me, I've been, seen, read, tasted and heard many things I never knew existed until the Teen Titans formed." I said to her, not wanting her to feel bad. Mentioning the beginning of the titans I began to think of life as it was before the the team came to be. Back when I was part of the doom patrol. I quickly pushed the thoughts aside and glanced up into Cy's eyes. "Can we play now?" I asked, unable to wait any longer.

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