Chapter 1

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I know I said it would be coming soon but I figured since it's Christmas I'd post the first chapter :)


"I'd trade it all, I would give it back to be a decent human being."

8 M O N T H S E A R L I E R

Evan woke up, blinking slowly as he tried to shake off the lingering feeling of sleep. He listened to the white noise of the world for a few heartbeats until he realized something.

His alarm wasn't blasting a song throughout his room. Sitting up suddenly, he grabbed his phone off his nightstand and gasped in surprise. It was 6:45, he had forgot to set his alarm the night before.

Darting out of bed, he practically ripped his phone free of its charger, making sure it was unplugged from the wall before booking it to his closet, his eyes picking out something to wear so fast. Grabbing a red flannel, black jeans, a pair of socks, and a random t-shirt that matched, he rushed back into his room and tore his shirt off, pulling the t-shirt on, making sure it wasn't inside out or backwards first. He changed into his jeans and put on his socks before rushing to the bathroom, quickly fixing his hair with a bit of gel before putting a dark red beanie on, not even remembering when he had picked it up.

At 6:50 he was tugging his converse on, black like his jeans, and shoving his phone in his bag as well. He grabbed a belt off his dresser, putting it on as he went down the stairs, past the kitchen as he decided he would not have time for breakfast this morning. Checking himself over quickly in the hallway mirror, he burst through his front door, barely remembering to close it behind him.

"Hey guys!" He called to his friends, who were sat on the sidewalk waiting for him as he ran out of the house past them.

"Evan! Where are you going? We're super early!" Tyler called as they all started running to keep up with Evan, who seemed to be in a rush.

"School!" He called back, glancing over his shoulder for a few seconds. "Have to be there by 7:15!"

By 7:00 he stood panting outside the gates of the school, clutching at his side as his lungs burned, still gasping for air. "Made it...." He breathed in relief as he started walking towards the building, his friends catching up behind him.

" be here fifteen!?" Tyler said, as out of breath as Evan, who shook his head.

"You don't understand." He replied, reaching the front door of the building, heading to his locker.

It was true, his friends didn't understand why Evan pushed himself to be at school by 7:15, waking up at 6:30 and leaving fifteen minutes later, no matter what time he had went to bed. But Evan didn't need them to know, because if they knew they would never stop teasing him about it.

The reason Evan was always at school by 7:15 was so that he could see Jonathan, his crush, just get off the school bus with his friend Luke. Yes, he knew it was a stupid reason to wake up early but Evan loved it, he loved seeing Jonathan first thing when he got to school each day, it brought a smile to his face.

He leaned against a pillar near the entrance kids who were just getting off the bus used, pulling out his phone so that he would look less suspicious. As kids piled out into the small hallway that the entrance led them too, eventually flooding out into the main hallway, he overheard girls talk about him, saying how hot he was and that it would be a dream come true if they were dating him, but Evan ignored it. Dating was not his thing, not unless it was Jonathan, which it would never be.

After about thirty seconds of kids piling into the hallway, and certainly several ear splitting squeals come from the girls, Evan glanced up and saw Jonathan walk in, talking excitedly with the boy next to him, his best friend Luke. The pair of boys paid no attention to him as Evan stared after them, smiling happily to himself.

Once they had vanished from his view, Evan shoved his phone into his front pocket and ventured off to find his friends, who he had ditched earlier so they couldn't find out about what he was doing. He liked to keep his crush on the down low, can't have people thinking that the biggest, most heartless player in the school had a crush on one of the most invisible students now can he?

He spotted his friends sitting in the courtyard as usual, waiting for him. Smirking, he sauntered over to them looking confident as usual. He was a few steps away when a cheerleader named Brittany stepped in his way.

"Hey Evan," She said flirtatiously, even going as far as to wink at him. "So, Chase is throwing a big party this weekend, are you coming?" She tugged on the collar of his flannel, pulling him slightly closer to her like the slut she was.

Evan was about to agree, thinking he could do with a nice one night stand since he hadn't had one for a while when he remembered that he had promised his friends that he would go to the movies with them, and it would mean ditching them for a party, which he has done countless times before. He even glanced around Brittany and saw his friends staring at him intensely, waiting for his reply with bored stares, obviously thinking he couldn't resist a party that Chase, the quarterback for the football team, was throwing.

Turning back to the slut, sorry, Brittany, Evan shook his head and pulled her hand off his shirt. "I'd love to, but I have plans with my friends." He stated, starting to walk past her only to be grabbed back by his arm and turned around, now their faces were only inches apart.

"Come on, Ev. This could be the biggest party of the year, you don't want to miss out, do you?" She said seductively, leaning in as though she was going to kiss him.

Annoyed, he pushed her away, shaking his head once again. "No, like I told you. I'm going to the movies with my friends, no parties this weekend." He declared, turning around once again and joining his friends with a smile, leaving a shocked looking Brittany behind. He could've swore he even heard her mutter something along the lines of "why does he have to have such loser friends?" Which he chose to ignore, since it was too early and he didn't feel like hitting a girl.

His friends looked a bit shocked too, actually, since they have never known him to miss a party to hang out with them, no matter how last minute. At first they had gotten really mad at him, then when it had become a reoccurring thing they just learned to live with it, even sometimes taking care of a drunk Evan when he had no one to take home so he just showed up at their house. But Evan has never been drunk enough to tell them anything they didn't already know.

"Evan, did you actually just do that?" Craig asked in shock, looking at Evan in surprise as he sat down on the grass next to Tyler.

"Do what? Decline an invitation to Chase O'Brien's party to hang out with you guys? Hell yeah." Evan replied, taking out his phone once again to text Chase an apology, and also to not listen to anything rude Brittany might have to say about him. He had to make sure to stay on his good side, because Chase really did throw killer parties.

"But why? It's Chase O'Brien, the guy who throws the best parties ever according to you." Tyler said, he too being shocked at Evan's decision.

"I never hang out with you guys anymore, and for once I'd like to show up to your house sober." He joked, smiling at his friends, who smiled right back at him.

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