Chapter 7

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"So, you got Jonathan as your English partner?" David asked, digging into his food. Evan nodded, hiding his gigantic smile.

"We already exchanged numbers, although he most likely doesn't trust me."

"Obviously." Tyler scoffed, playfully nudging his friend's shoulder. "The project is about emotions or some shit."

"Hey, it's a very good project, unlike last year's. This one has substance!" Evan defended, smacking Tyler's arm lightly.

"Is the substance the fact that you're partnered with someone you actually haven't slept with?" Craig retorted, sending everyone into fits of laughter, while Evan shot him a glare.

"That's not the only thing I care about, you know. I actually like this project."

"We have to do a joint essay and an individual essay about our emotion, it's totally stupid." Tyler said.

"Only because you got 'guilt'." Lui teased.

"With who again? Oh that's right, only that chick who is totally guilty of liking you!" Evan added, smirking.

"Is that why you didn't sleep with her?" Tyler shot at him.

"No, that was because she's not my type."

"Dude, everyone's your type."

"Shut up." A light blush ran across Evan's cheeks, causing him to look down at his crumpled up candy wrapper.

"Anyway, who even is this Jonathan guy? I've never heard his name before." Craig asked, taking a bit of his sandwich.

"We've been going to school with him since first grade." Evan replied instantly, barely even thinking about it. He looked up at his friends, finding them looking at him curiously.

"Damn, stalker much?" Tyler joked, making everyone else laugh, including Evan who had just brushed it off like it was nothing.

Really, he hoped that no one suspected him of having a crush on the boy.

Because the last thing he wanted was another thing for his friends to make fun of him for.


"Hey, Ev?" Jonathan awkwardly shuffled up to the boy after school, catching him at his locker.

Evan turned, looking at the boy with immediate interest. "Yeah?" He hoped he was playing it cool, trying not to come off as too eager to speak with him.

"Um, I just wanted to make sure we have our first day to work on the project marked down as next Saturday, right?" Jonathan moved his gaze downward, Evan caught a glimpse of Luke in the distance.

He scratched the back of his neck. "O-oh, yeah, yeah that's what we, that's what we decided." Evan tripped over his words, feeling nervous the longer Luke glared at him.

"Sounds good, I'll text you, maybe?" Evan nodded at Jonathan as he walked away. Unknowingly, he stared after him.

"Evan!" Tyler scared the teen with his outburst, tearing him out of his thoughts as he let out a small scream, falling against the lockers in fright.

"Fuck you, Tyler." Evan said, clutching his chest, feeling his fast-beating heart. Tyler was laughing. "What do you even want?"

"Right, sorry." His friend spoke between a few stray laughs. "I have a proposition for you."

"Since when do you know what the word 'proposition' means?" Evan joked, shutting his locker and begin to walk towards the door.

"Very funny. But, if you don't think you're up for a challenge-"

"Hey, I never said that." Evan stopped walking, and Tyler faced him with a smirk.

"Are you sure? It's kinda out there." He challenged with a sly grin, Evan nodded.

"Bring it."

"Okay, well, you're a player right? I bet you can't make someone fall in love with you."

"Oh that's easy."

"You have to date them, get them to tell you that they love you, and then you have to break their heart."

"No way, that's cruel."

"What if I told you there's a hundred and fifty bucks in it for you?"

"I'd hear you out at least." Evan didn't want to hear it, but he really didn't want Tyler to think he was a wimp.

"Your target is Jonathan."

Evan's blood froze, he barely remembered he had to breathe as the words registered in his head.

"No." The word left his mouth before he knew it, because he couldn't do that. Not to Jonathan, anyone but him, not those gorgeous blue eyes, not that sloppy light brown hair, not that infectious laughter, he couldn't, it was impossible.

"Oh come on, Ev. It's not like you actually like him, and besides, it's basically free money. You're decent-looking, nice personality, you deserve a relationship." Tyler looked him in the eye, holding his shoulders. Never had he tried so hard to make his friend do something so terrible.

"I'm not going to do that, that's cruel." Evan shook his head. He wasn't even conflicted, he refused to even consider the idea of saying yes.

"And having tons of one night stands isn't?"

"They know that it's a one time thing when it's a one night stand, we're talking about a manipulative relationship here. That's wrong."

Tyler tried his best not to flinch at the mention of the word 'manipulation'. "No it's not, Ev. Come on, this is harmless. It's high school, these relationships aren't supposed to last anyway. Might as well have some fun with it."

Evan felt hurt by his friend's truthful words. He knew that him and Jonathan would never last, but this is not what he had meant, but maybe it was for the best. Maybe this is what he needed to finally get over his crush.



"I can't believe you did it, Tyler. How did you make him agree to something like that?" Brock asked the grinning boy next to him, their friends jumping around and laughing in front of them, Evan excluded of course.

He shrugged. "I've got mad persuasion skills." He cracked his knuckles. "I also may have bribed him."

Brock rolled his eyes. "Of course you did. But, aren't you slightly worried about ruining him? It's gonna be his first relationship, thats gotta hurt."

"He'll be fine, Brock, trust me. And if, only if, he's not, then I got it covered. No best friend of mine is going to be down about his first relationship failing."

Brock frowned at his words. "It sounds so cruel when you put it like that."

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