Chapter 14

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Evan had hoped to eat more than a muffin for breakfast, but that's the only thing his stomach was willing to hold down. He had downed a glass of milk right after, but was on the verge of puking by the time he finished it.

Honestly, the boy didn't even understand his own appetite. How he could be so hungry, yet only manage to eat the smallest of things, yet able to eat full meals when he was with other people? None of it made sense, but as long as he managed to fit into a medium sized shirt like all of his friends, he would be fine.

It was his anxiety, he had concluded, the anxiety that someone wouldn't believe him next time he said he was fine. The anxiety that they were going to think something was wrong with him, they were going to call him weird and abnormal and he couldn't have that, he couldn't. Hence why he conjured up all this confidence, to mask his issues.

No one likes a freak, Evan. He told himself constantly. No one likes a freak.


Evan was surprised to see that Jonathan was awake as he walked back into his room. "Oh, you're up." He smiled, yet moved his gaze back to the floor as he picked up his laptop and placed it on his desk. Scratching the back of his neck awkwardly, he turned back to the boy. "A-are you hungry? My mom just left, but I can make you something if you want." He offers.

"I don't want you to trouble yourself, I'll just eat at home." Jonathan declined politely, wanting to be a good house guest.

Evan shook his head. "Really it's not a problem at all, I mean I'm not the best cook, but I'm not the worst." He jokes, offering his hand out so that Jonathan can get up.

Jonathan hesitates, but in the end he takes Evan's offer, standing up and following him downstairs.


As Evan cooks his breakfast for him, Jonathan takes the silence between them to figure things out. More specifically, he wanted to figure out what to do with the information he had gathered unintentionally.

As soon as he found his thoughts wandering to the topic, he found that his prominent emotion was confusion.

Jonathan was confused, to say the least. His confusion began as soon as he heard the conversation between Evan and his mom, the one he wasn't suppose to hear.

In the moment, the teen's immediate first thought had been to get back to Evan's room as quickly and quietly as possible. As if he had never even left the room in the first place. However, once he reached his destination, he found that his confusion was only growing with every second that passed.

Evan, the school player, the fuckboy, had a crush on him? First of all, how was that even possible? Seriously, Evan? Secondly, after he forced himself to move on from the initial shock, how the hell could something like that be true?

Although, admittedly, Jonathan must say, Evan was doing a tremendous job at hiding his feelings. Really, he was.

Traditionally with crushes, Jonathan thought back to the behavior he had witnessed or even experienced in the past, you actually want to spend time with them. The thing about Evan? Well, the boy hadn't spoken to him since elementary, how could he have a crush on him?

When Jonathan had first asked Evan to spend the night as his place, Evan had freaked out and flat out refused his offer. Not to be taken the wrong way, Jonathan knew very well that Evan was not perfect, as much as the boy tried to be, but he never would've expected the way he was acting to be signs of a crush. He really didn't give off the kind of vibe that Jonathan would've expected.

That was probably good, though, learning how to hide your feelings for someone so well that you question if they're even real. It was impressive how Evan could accomplish that, yet also alarming.

Now, as Jonathan realizes what he is doing, what he did, he feels guilt crawl through him and find a home in the pit of his stomach. He shouldn't have heard what he heard, he shouldn't know what he knows, it's wrong.

"Hey, Jonathan, you there?" Evan's voice snapped the teen out of his thoughts, returning him to the real world where he was met with Evan's shy smile as he held out a plate to him. On the plate was an omelet and a few slices of bacon.

"Sorry, I spaced out for a bit." The boy apologizes as Evan heads over to the fridge.

"No problem, what do you want to drink? We have milk, orange juice, cranberry juice, vodka...." Evan turns back to him and grins at the joke he made.

However, Jonathan was still a bit distracted and didn't hear him properly. "I'll just have milk." He decided quickly, thanking Evan as a glass of milk was placed in front of him.

"No problem." Evan says, feeling his pockets as he looked for his phone, which he realized he left in his room. Running a hand through his hair, he looks at his friend. "I'm gonna go change, when you're done you can just leave the dishes on the table, I'll get them later." He smiles and disappears out of the room.

A few minutes later, Jonathan could hear the muffled sounds of running water and he assumed that Evan had decided to take a shower. Ignoring that fact, he continued to eat his meal in silence. Surprisingly, it was delicious, not to be rude, but he hadn't expected Evan to be such a good cook, but he was just full of surprises lately.

First came the kind words, then the shy smile, then it was the crush, and now he can cook. And those were the positives, who knew how many negatives he would have the privilege of discovering while they worked on the project.


Evan ignored the small twinge of anxiety as he stepped into the shower, taking deep breaths for precaution as he washed his body and hair. Every few seconds he leaned against the wall, just taking time to breath as he felt it worsen, but once it eased up he resumed what he was doing.

After about ten minutes, having not been able to handle standing up for much longer. He quickly used a towel to dry off, changing into his clothes while continuing to steady his breathing. "You're fine, Evan." He scolded himself, now using the towel for his hair.

After a few minutes of vigorous drying, the teen tossed the towel into the hamper, ignoring the weak feeling in his knees as he walked back to his room. "You're fine." He told himself once more. "What are you even worried about? Nothing. Exactly."

By this point his legs felt they weren't even there, his breathing was as broken as shattered glass, his vision like watching a 3-D movie without the glasses, you could see, but it was blurry and hard to see.

He hasn't even reached his doorway before he collapsed.

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