Chapter 6

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I can't decide if I want to post an original on here for my friends birthday or update her favorite book of mine..... (her birthday isn't until April yet this is the kind of shit that's keeping me up)


Something was wrong, Evan knew that, it was just a feeling he had deep in his gut as soon as he woke up.

"Whatever." He said to himself, checking the time. Five forty five, good enough for him. He slid out of bed, stumbling off the sleep, shaking his head a couple times to avoid passing out. If shit was going to go down today, he wanted to be awake for it.


He was dressed at his usual time, scarfed down his breakfast faster than usual-which wasn't surprising since he had a bit less this morning- but for some reason when he glanced through the living room window to see outside his friends weren't waiting for him.

Checking his phone, he saw that he had no messages. That was weird, usually they tell him when they're not gonna show.

He downed a shot of vodka before he walked out the door.


T H E   N I G H T   B E F O R E

"Drop it." Tyler insisted, moving the controller from side to side as if it would help him in the game.

"Look, all I'm saying is we could all do with a bit of time away from Evan." Brock said, holding his hands up in surrender.

Tyler paused the game in anger, turning around to face his friend head-on. "Oh, so did your parents finally have that talk with you, then? The whole 'I don't think you should be hanging around that kind of company', huh? Well, that's tough, because he's our friend, and your parents can't change that."

"But he really isn't a good influence on us, guys, you know that right?" Brock crossed his arms and cautiously glanced at his friends, who's confused faces were already aimed at him.

"When has he ever asked us to do anything with him?" Tyler countered, abandoning the controller on the floor as he stood up to get in Brock's face.

"He was literally talking about alcohol and fake IDs!" Brock's panicked voice was not helping his high-strung nerves.

"He was joking! Because that's the kind of jokes he makes, don't you know that?"

"They're not funny."

"You need to lighten up, Brock! What has Evan ever done to make you hate him?"

"Nothing, but that's not important! Because he could do something!"

"Don't you dare accuse him-"

"You know I'm right, Tyler! All of you do! Evan is a loose cannon and it's only a matter of time before he makes a move on us. You hear what people say about him, guys. He'll give you this look and suddenly you'll do whatever he says."

"You're ridiculous. He's our best friend, he wouldn't do that!"

"Ask Chase." Brock stated, his eyes locked onto Tyler.

"What? Why?"

"Don't you know? Evan slept with him last year. That's why he was so weird, that's why Evan has him wrapped around his finger, Tyler!"

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