Chapter 6: Suddenly

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“YOU PERVERT!!! HOW DARE YOU TO DO THAT TO ME?!!! I REALLY HATE YOU!!”, Even cried as she runs away from him.

He just stood up right there and not knowing what happened a while ago. And Even’s words to him are like a thousand knives that pierced to his heart. After a few minutes, he came back to reality and ran to find Even again but this time is to apologize to what he did to her.


He looks around the campus but he didn’t see Even. He’s now worrying what happened to her. He also tried to go to class, expecting to see her there as the class will start in 15 minutes. He peeked first, and there she is, sitting at the back, crying.

He slowly approached her but no response from Even. He pulled another chair beside her. He tried to apologize to her but it’s no use because there’s still no response and the worst is that she put her head down to the desk she’s sitting at.

“Even, I’m so sorry. I didn’t do that intentionally. It’s just that… I didn’t know why I did that. Trust me, I don’t want that to happen. I was just teasing you, you know.”, Aaron seriously apologized. “It’s okay if you…”, he continued but it was cut off when Even’s friends entered the room.

“Good morning, Aaron. What are you doing here? Your class is at the other room, right?, Reen greeted.

“Yeah, I just came to see what happened to her.”, Aaron lied.

“Oh. See you around then.”, Ivy said.

Even lifted her head to see who are talking in front of them. “Hi there. I didn’t notice that you guys are already here.”, she said.

“Yeah right. You didn’t see us with your head’s down.”, Liya mumbled but she noticed something from her friend. “Wait a minute, did you cry again? Who made you cry this time?”

“No, no. I didn’t cry. It’s just that I think, I slept here for a while. You know, I left home so early.”, Even lied.

As the class started, Even seems like spacing out and not listening to their lesson. Her friends noticed that something weird had happened this morning.

Hey, Reen… Do you know what happened to Even? She seems not interested listening to class today. ~~ Liya

Liya passed a note and put it to Reen’s desk. Reen opened it and write something after she read it.

No, I don’t. I’m with you this morning. How about you, Ivy? ~~ Reen

Reen passed it to Ivy this time. Just like Reen, she also write something to the note.

I’m not sure, but I feel that it’s something to do with Aaron. I wonder why is he right here at our room this morning. Let’s just ask him after class. ~~ Ivy

She passed it back to Reen, then to Liya so that they can see what Ivy wrote to the note. And then, after Liya read the note, she looked at Ivy nod as a sign of agreement of what Ivy wrote.

“Hey Aaron, can we have a talk for a while”, Ivy shouted as soon as they get out of their room. “Hi, big brother.”, she greeted her brother too.

“Hmm.. Yes? Is there any problem?”, Aaron asked as he take a peek if Even was with them.

“Not that much. We just want to ask you a question. Don’t worry, she’s not with us.”, Liya answered. BINGO… “Did they noticed?”, Aaron asked himself.

Aaron turned to his friends and told them that they can go to the cafeteria first. He doesn’t want them to know that he’s been at school as early as 6:00 am and what happened between him and Even.

“Hmm.. What is it? You look so serious?”, he asked nervously.

“Aaron, we just want to know what happened to Even this morning. When you left at our room, I saw her crying? What was exactly happened? And then, while having our lessons, she seem spacing out while looking at the window near her.”, Reen asked continuously.

“I’m sorry.”, he suddenly answered that made the girls shocked by his action. “I’m sorry. I didn’t do that intentionally.” Now, the girls are getting confused on what Aaron had said.

“Hey, wait a minute. What are you talking about? What didn’t do intentionally?”, Reen asked, still confused.

Aaron explained to the girls what happened between them this morning. The girls, especially Reen who is really close to Even, didn’t expect that to happen. As far as the girls had known, it would be Even’ first kiss, that’s why she’s acting like that.

“You better at least say sorry to her.”, Liya suggested.

“I already did, but she refused to talk to me.”, Aaron explained.

“Then, try again. Even is just a bit childish sometimes, especially it’s her freaking first kiss, you know.”, Ivy exclaimed.

“Alright. I will.”, Aaron promised. The girls now walked, going to eat their lunch but Aaron called them again. “Do you know where I can see her after class?”, he shyly asked.

I Can See Nothing But You [GuiLun FF]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon