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Everyone ran back to Clarissa and rick to see the black goop covering the entire wound and it was spreading. Rick had managed to stand up by using ruby as support.
    "The wound wasn't caused by lingered, but this might be a side effect to the dome were currently stuck in," Clarissa was trying to find links and maybe even figure out a way to stop her boyfriend from dying. "Rick try and walk, I need to see if this goop is effecting your body and then I can determine if it's infecting you in the inside." Ruby stopped supporting rick and he managed to walk to the end of the room and back no problems. "Okay well I'll keep trying to fix this, you guys find some more stuff, besides Scarlett. I need to make sure that her wound isn't infected as well." Clarissa had already lifted up the pet of Scarlett's shirt that hide the scar. Ruby and Brice walked off to search the fairly large store. As Clarissa did her inspection it seemed it was only rick who was effected by this. She examined the pieces of the shot gun round that had hit rick and the one that hit Scarlett and saw no difference. She was at an impasse and she was struggling hard to figure it out. She and Scarlett left the room to check in the others and help out, leaving rick on the floor. Suddenly after a few minutes he started had fallen asleep and now he was twisting and turning. He groaned as his body moved awkwardly. Suddenly his eyes shot opened and he let out a large yell and then he slumped over. Black goo moved rapidly up his body covering his hoodie and jeans and finally his shoes. His head became covered and soon all that was left was a black figure in the floor. The others ran into the room with rick and noircies the black motionless body laying silently on the floor. Scarlett moved closer and as soon as she did, ricks body let out sparks of fire that came from all over his body. They floated up and soon enough they lifted rick up and then suddenly with a large whooshing sound rick was gone. They heard a loud thump come from another room farther in the building. They ran over to the building to find three or four lingered all coming straight for them. And what looked like rick behind them slouched over. His hood covering most of his face and several sparks still coming off the completely black body. Bruce and Ruby killed the lingered and then they again moved slowly towards rick. Rick looked up, his face was also covered in the black goop. Suddenly his arms caught on fire and he fired a stream of the fire towards the ground directly in front of them. As the fiery inferno delayed their approach to their friend, he again teleported out of the room and to some other place.
      "What the fuck was that," Ruby asked.
      "That was Shadow," Scarlett said staring at the spot where he friend just stood.

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