The Serpent, Chapter 10

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Chapter Ten

Raiton kept electrifying me even thought I did nothing. It came to a certain point where it didn’t hurt anymore and was just really annoying. My body kept healing itself after the shocks so I didn’t suffer any real damage.

“You know, this is getting really annoying,” I said and he sent another current just for fun.

Sakura was slung over Doton’s shoulder, unconscious. I seriously considered if she was useful for anything. I also had a perfect plan in mind but I couldn’t set it in motion while we were walking.

We soon arrived in the village where our mission was supposed to come to a close. And this was one creepy village. You couldn’t see anyone out, just their face peeking through the doors and windows. I suddenly felt my breath getting heavy and my knees started to wobble. The side effects of my self-healing Medical Ninjutsu were that if you used it to a certain extent your chakra’s bound to get low. And I’m not the one to dab into my tailed beast-that thing caused me enough trouble as it is. And Raiton seemed to notice it to and he sent another electric wave down the rope that caused me to fall on my knees. But he just ruthlessly pulled me along. Normally, I would’ve left Sakura in order to complete the mission but I wasn’t heartless. If only I could contact Naruto…and that meant saving what I had left of my chakra. But now it came to saving my pride. I jumped up, ignored the pain and started walking again. Great, my hair got all sandy. They dragged us along to an old house that looked abandoned and set us down into two separate chairs that had those metal hoops that locked your wrists in place. Sakura slowly woke up and I saw the fear overwhelming her.

“Calm down,” I whispered and sent her a sympathetic glance. She smiled weakly. No matter how much she annoyed me she was still my teammate.

The two Sunagakure Shinobi started searching through our backpacks and got frustrated when they found nothing.

“Ok, where are they?” asked Doton and pulled some levers. I felt the chair shake a little. I saw Sakura starting to say something but I shook my head. A pretty strong electric current slashed through my body and I felt like I was going to throw up. Sakura already did. Ok, this was so much pain I was surprised Naruto didn’t feel it. And I just prayed that if he did he wouldn’t come charging carelessly. The situation, though, gave me a perfect opportunity to keep that from happening. I pretended to faint. That gave me the perfect timing to use up what little chakra I had to connect with Naruto.

“Don’t panic now,” I sent the thought to him and saw him wince. They were still walking through the desert. “There’s an ambush at the village. Sakura and I have been captured. I don’t have much time. The two assassins are working together with two Sunagakure Shinobi. Whatever you do, don’t charge recklessly and keep those documents as far away from them as possible. My wireless has been wrecked so it’s up to you to contact Kakashi. Convey this message to Sasuke and you two come up with a plan-teamwork is essential. We don’t know what their motives are so, again, don’t charge recklessly. Over and out.”

Before he got to say anything I pulled myself out of his head just as Doton grabbed me by my hair and pulled my head up to face him.

“I didn’t take you for a weakling, Miss Lily,” he said, “Save yourself some trouble and just tell us where the documents are. Did you leave ‘em with those two? Unlikely since the safest place is probably with you. But even that didn’t turn out for you so well.”

I just kept staring at him. I considered using the Basilisk’s eye but, to tell the truth, its power scared me and it fell into the wrong hands. I wasn’t strong enough to control it. It was good for deflecting Sharingan and creating a momentary Genjutsu (that wasn’t that strong but gave you some valuable time) but to use its power in full-force…I didn’t like that at all.

THE WILL OF FIRE: 1. The Serpent (A Naruto Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now