The Serpent, Chapter 11

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Chapter Eleven

I was standing on a hill that overlooked the village. It looked so peaceful and quiet as it got ready to sleep. My heart was breaking. How can I destroy such a peaceful village? But it was my job. As I walked through the sign that read Welcome! I got nervous. I flicked the bells so they chimed. Once. I saw some people closing up their shops and giving me the curious eye. Twice.

“Where is she?” I asked.

“She? There’re a lot of “she” here. You gonna have ta be more specific, girl,” answered one of the merchants.

“You know who I’m talking about.”

“Kid, ya better go home. Didn’t yer parents teach you not to play this kinda game?”

“I’ll ask you one last time. If she doesn’t show herself, I’ll burn this place to the ground.”

“Listen here, punk…”

His words got lost when he saw a shadow at the top of the building. And an ominous looking shadow at that.

“You…you really are…”

Three times.

The village was in flames before they could say anything. I was quite exhausted for having to fight but they gave me no choice. Suddenly, fingers gripped around my ankles and I looked down only to see a man who was half alive.

“You’re a child,” he coughed out, “Have you no mercy?”

I looked at him and sighed, “Too much for my own good.”

“Then why…a child…young…like you…”

I looked back at the burning village. I couldn’t think of a reason except for the fact that that was my order. Search the village. Find her. If he isn’t there, burn the village. Simple.

“Those were my orders.”

I heard Sensei behind me. He put a hand on my shoulder and I glanced at the man.

“Why…?” he was babbling the same question over and over again and I had to look away.

“Remember,” Sensei said in a low voice, “No one can survive.”

“I’m not that heartless…at least not yet.”

“I hear some more of them coming.”

We were surrounded by the last remaining villagers. I knew from the start that they had no chance. But they were clinging to the last bit of hope they had. They reminded me of…me. Two years ago when the whole thing started. Before I was a nameless Shinobi killing machine. And that’s all I was to them. The exact thing I was afraid I would become.

“If you can’t handle this, I will. I promise I won’t tell.”

“I can handle it. I just don’t see the point of slaughtering the whole village if she is not here.”

“It’s a test. To see if you truly got it. And if I trained you well enough but that’s mostly a test for me.”

“If our leader’s point is to make me heartless then that’s not going to happen. You taught me better than that.”

“I see. Well, you passed my test. Let’s see if you pass his.”

“Why…?” asked the man one last time before he bled to death. And that just seemed to make the others angrier.

THE WILL OF FIRE: 1. The Serpent (A Naruto Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now