Chapter 3!

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Alright! this is the *COMPLETE* third chappie!! :D WHOOOOO! the moment of suspense is finally over (: I really hope you guys enjoy it! :D and I know some of you (cough cough Tyler..!) really hate it when people do this, but please vote, comment, and fan if you want! :D it means so much when you guys do! (btw, votes are like the cookies of wattpad. and i mean, cmon, who doesntlike cookies? so give me somecookies and vote! :D) but anyways, I love you all! so on that note, enjoy the chapter! :D peace out!


Chapter 3:

(POV of Gotare)

I lunged forward, sword in hand, with a mighty grunt. My arm guided my dulled blade through the air, and I felt a sharp jerk up my arm as the sword whacked my opponent in the ribs. He grunted in surprise, and leapt back as I brought my sword back down to my side, resting myself for his next attack. I studied his face while he planned his next move. Flitting back and forth, his eyes sketched a nervous path as he searched me for my weaknesses. It shouldn't have been hard. My whole left side of my body was exposed; I had dropped my shield ages ago. It was too dented and banged up to be of any use. A quick flick of the wrist and he could his sword at my neck. But he didn't notice.

My opponent skipped to my left side a bit, then dashed back to the right and forward. He swung his sword in a wide arch towards my hip. I quickly parried the sword, flicked my wrist and sent his sword flying across the field. Shock spread across his face as he backed towards his fallen blade. I stuck out my hand for no hard feelings, a small smile on my lips. My opponent looked up at me with sweat pouring into his blue eyes. He shook my hand with a firm grip. A quick chuckle escaped me at his look of fear.

I glanced around me at the training field. I had beaten everyone who had faced me. Sweat was pouring down my back. A strand of my jet hair fell across my eye, and I quickly swiped it behind my ear. I stuck the sword tip into the ground a leaned on the hilt trying to catch my breath. I decided to watch the archers and their flying arrows. The bows bowed and stretched, threatening to snap. Rigid backs with tensed muscles was all I could see.

I caught sight of Zina. Her grace and beauty stunned me. She stood out from the other archers. Her strong and sturdy hold on her bow differed from the soldiers' careful and rigid hold. Hair blowing back from her face, she steadied her bow, aiming at the farthest target. Barely moving a muscle, she let the arrow fly. It flew across the field with amazing speed, landing perfectly in the center of the target. The feathers on the arrow swayed slightly in the breeze. A cheer went up from the couple people surrounding her. She rarely missed. The wind swirled, lifting the hair from Zina's face. Her eyes became exposed and I saw that they were lighted up with laughter. She looked so calm.. so peaceful... so beautiful.

I shook my head quickly. I needed more sword practice. I had to focus on training, not on Zina. An image of her face flashed through my mind. Shaking my head, I glanced around at the people I could battle. None of them were strong enough, or quick enough, to be much of fight. I needed an opponent who could best me. An equal. Zina... I glimpsed back to her. She would be a near equal. Or I hoped she would be..

Looking around, I realized she would be the only worthy opponent. I swallowed quickly, wetting my dry throat. "Trefitha!" I called out towards Zina as she loosed another arrow. Cheering went up as the arrow hit its target perfectly. "Trefitha!" I yelled to Zina again over the din.

Sharply turning, her face looked towards mine, her tender eyes swallowing mine. I quickly waved her over. Watching her, I saw her trot over to the targets to retrieve her arrows. Her chestnut hair, which was still pulled into a sloppy braid, swirled and bounced behind her gaily. As she walked back, crowds pressed in around her, shielding her from view. Slyly, she suddenly appeared sneaking out the back of the group of soldiers and bystanders. Glancing behind her, she hastily made her away towards me. Impatiently, I stood awkwardly waiting for Zina, leaning on my sword and kicking the ground below my boot-clad feet.

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