EXILE: Chapter 1

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Hey dere! So, this is the first story I've written ( or attempted to write as it is ). It's written in first person POV and will be switching who's view it is. All the places and names are made up by yours truly, so sorry if they are ... different. haha ^.^ So read it, and vote and comment and all that good shtuff.  thanks :D so here it is: EXILE chapter uno! enjoy!


Chapter 1:

The stars shined with a ferocity I never knew they had. Everything seemed sharper, clearer. A band of stars glinted across the clear sky. Everything was quiet. A little too quiet for my liking.

I glanced around at my surroundings. The fortress stood out like black death against the midnight sky. Gotare looked skeptically at me. What was I thinking? Coming here, of all places, and at night? I knew he thought I was insane, but this was my only chance to prove my parents were still alive. I just had to get inside.

Focusing back at the task at hand, I stared at the smooth stone wall of the ginormous fortress. I hadn't planned on the inky walls being this smooth. The place looked like it was made of a single piece of rock. Then I noticed small crevasses along the wall between each perfectly placed stone. Excellent.

I took my slender bow off of my back, knocked an arrow and took aim. The feathers flew past my ear without a sound. TING! The arrow landed neatly between two stones. I knocked another arrow and fired. This time it landed above the other one, an arms length away. Again I fired an arrow, again it was above the other one. I continued to do this and soon the top of the wall could be reached. I looked at Gotare and he nodded slowly.

Putting my hand carved bow on my back, I crawled towards the growing wall. Grass and weeds tickled my chin as I pulled myself across the ground. I kept my eyes and ears open for the slightest movements and sounds. The wall grew closer, blocking out all light, making it difficult to see. I finally reached the fortress wall. Shelithor Fortress.. such an ominous name. Hesitantly I stood up, my back pressed against the cold stones. An icy chill crept up my spine. I slowly reached up to the first arrow that was shot into the wall. I grabbed it and felt the smooth wood underneath my hands. I took a sharp breath in, and swung my body up on top of the arrow. It trembled under my weight, but it held fast. Without hesitation, I jumped to the next arrow and swung my body up. Not missing a beat, the next arrow was under me.

The silent wind pushed past my face and swirled my chestnut hair. I breathed in the crisp air and jumped to the next arrow, the clean air fueling my energy and motivation. I let my body hang from the arrow as I let what I was doing settle into my mind. I had no idea if I what I was planning to do was even going to work.

I glanced down at Gotare and motioned him to come up. I couldn't see his face, but I saw him nod his head sharply. I was glad he was here, I couldn't do this without him. I watched him swing from arrow to arrow, never stumbling. His muscular body helped him break the arrows below him so our path could not be followed. Breaking the arrows seemed to be no hindrance to him, so I tore my gaze from him and lept to the following arrow. Just another five to go. I continued on my way and waited for Gotare on the last arrow.

Now this was where it got tricky. Being unseen in a place were all was seen. Everything that went on here was planned and timed and played out perfectly. All was seen, nothing missed, all recorded.

I peeked above the wall to find a guard standing not two feet away from my head. I pulled my slender dagger from my hip and swung onto the wall. I slipped behind him and jabbed my knife through his torso. I clamped my hand over his mouth so his cries would not be heard. He took his final breath and then I gently placed him in a heap on the floor. I hopped back onto the wall and onto my arrow. One down, two thousand to go.

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