Chapter 10: breaking the news

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I hesitantly sit back in my seat as I feel eyes on me. Alex had a hand on my right knee rubbing soothing circles with his thumb. I try to let it soothe me, but the thought of Alex's parents hating us freaks me out. "Bianca, honey are you okay?" I hear Nicole, his mom, ask. I look up to her my eyes widening.

"Y-yeah." I stutter. I feel my mom kick me under the table making me look to her. She gives me a pointed look, and I take a deep breath. "Nicole, I'm pregnant." I tell her as my eyes meet hers. I watch her eyes widen as her face pales slightly. I feel Justin glare at Alex as he stiffens beside me.

"I'm sorry, did I hear that right?" She asks. I gulp nodding my head. "Alex, is it yours?" She asks.

"Mom! Bianca could never do that to me. Yes it's mine." He says appalled she would think that. I feel tears prick my eyes as I think of how much she hates me now. Along with Alex because we both got into this situation. It also hurts that she thought I could cheat on Alex.

"I thought we taught you better than that." I hear Justin, Alex's dad, scolds.

"I know dad. It's not like we planned this, but it happened." Alex's voice sounds ashamed. I feel like he stabs me with his words, and it kills. I quickly stand up ignoring the calls as I head outside. I just can't be around them right now. Tears fall from my eyes, and I sit on the front stoop. I hold my knees to my chest resting my head on my knees.

"Bianca?" My head snaps up seeing Austin walking up the driveway. He has a backpack on, and a duffle bag in his right hand. He looks concerned watching me cry. He quickly walks up to me, and drops his bags before wrapping me in a hug. "What's wrong?" I shake my head no not wanting to get anymore hate, that I can't handle. "You can tell me." He assures. I look him in the eyes taking a deep breath.

"Austin, I'm pregnant." I whisper. His eyes widen taken back from my answer.

"Really? Who do I have to beat up? I swear this kid is going to have to help support." He starts going off, just as I hear the front door open.

"B- wait Austin?" Alex questions not expecting his brother.

"Hey bro. Wait, did you get pissed at her?" He questions Alex in a hard voice.

"What? No. Bianca whatever I said I'm sorry."

"It's how you said it." I choke out leaving Austin's arms standing up, and Austin stands up too. "You don't want it do you." I state.

"Bee, don't think like that. Of course I want this, it's just going to be hard."

"Hold up. What is going on?" Austin says totally confused. Alex and I look to each other before we look to Austin. "Wait, you got her pregnant?"


"Way to go, finally grew a pair and asked her out. I'm proud bro, but maybe the baby was a bit much." Austin seems to be taking this lightly. Alex rolls his eyes at his brother. "How did mom and dad take it?"

"That's what we are doing now."

"Oh, let me go lighten the mood." He smiles grabbing his bags, and striding into the house. Alex looks to me his eyes guilty, which makes me frown.

"Bee, I really am fine with this. I'm not mad or ashamed." He assures me. I walk towards him, and he opens his arms up for me. I walk into his embrace, and his arms wrap around me keeping me safe. I breath in his scent calming myself down.

"Sorry, emotions are high." I whisper. Alex chuckles kissing my head.

"We should head inside." I sigh at his words looking up to him.

"Okay, but how mad are they?" He shakes his head at me.

"Find out for yourself." He says. I pout wanting to know what he means. Alex just chuckles kissing my pouting lips before letting me go. He takes my hand leading me into the house. We hear laughter coming from the kitchen making my eyebrows furrow.

"And then he fell into the lake. It was hilarious." Austin gets out in between laughs. We walk into the room, and everyone looks to us trying to stop their laughter. Must have been some funny story. "Hey, you two." Austin grins sobering up.

"Oh Austin." I sigh shaking me head. He only grins wider at that. Alex's parents and my mom grow quiet just staring at Alex and I.

"All right, now lets address the elephant in the room. Alex I'm sorry bro, but you need to leave." Austin says in all seriousness.


"Like leave, your fat self is taking up all of Bianca's oxygen, and space." I glance to Alex cracking a smirk, but he just rolls his eyes.

"Austin, be nice to your brother." Nicole scolds.

"Mom, I'm not five. Plus it's my job." Austin states. She raises an eyebrow at him crossing her arms over her chest. "Sorry mommy, I love you." He squeaks out. I try not to laugh watching him.

"Now, Alex." Justin says turning everyone's attention on Alex. "We are not thrilled, but we are here for you. I'm pretty sure we will be excited for you two in a few weeks, but it has to sink in." He glances to Nicole.

"My first grandchild!" She tries not to squeal. "I didn't think it would happen this soon, but I guess one of you had to follow our footsteps." Nicole starts mumbling.

"Wait, your not mad? You don't hate us?" I question still so unsure. They chuckle looking to each other before looking back to us.

"Of course not, honey. We could never be mad for something we did, even if we don't approve." Nicole says getting up from her seat. She walks over to us, and wraps us in a tight hug. I hug her back feeling the tears sting my eyes, again, but this time for a different reason.

"Mom, your hurting us." Alex groans.

"Shh I'm not. Stop being a boy." She scolds quietly. I hold in a laugh as he grunts in response.

"How come I never get that kind of hug?" Austin pouts.

"Austin, not everything is about you." Justin sighs. Nicole chuckles pulling back. She smiles widely at us before she walks over to where Austin is sitting.

"I'll give you one." She smiles before hugging him tightly. By the looks of it the hug is much tighter than our hug.

"Thanks mom, but can't breath." He chokes.

"You wanted the hug." My mom laughs.

"This isn't what I meant." He coughs. Nicole lets him go taking her seat again.

"When is your sister coming home?" Justin asks Austin.

"She said this weekend. Also she found a boy." Austin says drying.

"Great." Justin says through clenched teeth.

"Good for her, that last one was suck a fuck boy." Nicole says. We all look to her with wide eyes. "Sorry, did I say something wrong?" She asks innocently. We all start laughing the tension I felt before evaporated.
Hope you like it.

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Love you all


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