Chapter fifteen: scared

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It's Alex and Chris' first game of the basketball season. Nini and I can't contain our excitement for watching them play. Chris and Nini have had their talk, and apparently after the game they are going out on a date. Nini and I grab our seats on the bleachers close to the court wanting to see our guys play. The whole gym is packed with students and families from both teams. Suddenly the announcer starts talking and everyone quiets down. The visiting team comes out getting cheers from their school. When our team comes out our side screams for our players. My eyes lock on Alex as soon as he enters the gym. He finds my eyes grinning at me, and I can't help but grin back.

We watch them warm up before the game actually starts. Nini and I watch the game in awe as our two boys are playing, and surprisingly they are really good. Apparently they are both amazing at basketball and soccer. I watch as our team makes a basket before our whole side erupts with cheers. Honestly I don't know how this game is totally played. I only really know soccer.

The game was won 27-24. Alex runs up to me and wraps his arms around me. I groan as he holds me against his sweaty body. "Alex, go shower." I groan out trying to push him.

"What, no kiss first?" He pouts. I raise an eyebrow at him making him let me go. "Fine, I'll be back in a few." He then runs off to shower.

"Wow, you got him whipped." I hear an annoying voice say. I glare up at her, Claire, the head cheerleader. Her hair is dark brown with highlights that have to be recently done, and her brown eyes glare into my eyes.

"What are you doing?"

"You think you can take my man from me?" Nini bursts out laughing.

"Oh hun that's cute." She tries to sober up.

"Don't talk, bitch."

"Aye! Don't talk to my friend that way." I shout. Claire narrows her eyes on me.

"I do what I want. Now, leave Alex before he breaks your heart for me. That's probably the nicest warning I have ever done." She says. I laugh at her words making her face turn red in anger.

"He won't leave me for your sorry ass. He wouldn't be able to live with himself if he left me for you." She shoves me pushing me to the ground. I stay there wishing I didn't just hurt my baby. Nini's eyes are wide as she looks at me.

"Don't say that! He is mine, and will be mine!" She shouts. Nini rolls her eyes before throwing a punch to Claire's nose, and I can hear it break. I just stay on the ground with tears in my eyes. My heart races as I face the ground that is just inches from my face.

"What the fuck?" I hear Chris. I look up to him with my wide eyes as tears start to leak through.

"Go get Alex." I whisper. He runs off to find Alex as Nini squats down to my level.

"We have to move you, hun." I shake my head as more tears flow.

"I'm too scared." No one seems to be paying attention as everyone leaves the gym.

"I know, but we have to move you." She tells me gently. I shake my head too afraid to. What if something happened? I hear sneakers squeaking on the court making me look up to see Alex running to me. He looks just as worried as I do. He gets down to my level worry seeping through his pores.

"Bee, what happened?" He asks trying to seem calm.

"Claire." I get out before I bite my lip to not start sobbing.

"She fucking pushed you? We will deal with her later, come on lets get you checked." He says. He stands up before he bends down to pick me up. He carries me bridal style out of the gym, and straight to the nurse.

"What if she isn't in there?" Chris asks leading the way.

"Then we will go to the doctors, we need something- someone." Alex panics. We get to the nurse's office, which is luckily still open. Alex rushes me in making the nurse jump in surprise.

"Oh my. What seems to be the problem?" She asks coming over as Alex rests me on the little bed thing in here.

"She was pushed to the ground." Alex tells as if that summed up the whole thing. She gives him a look raising an eyebrow.

"She's pregnant." Chris adds. That seems to clear it up for her as she starts to check me out.

"How did you land?"

"My side."

"Any bleeding?"


"Pain or discomfort in your abdominal regain?"

"No. I'm just scared."

"I know honey. From what I can tell everything seems to be fine. How far are you?"

"Three months." She nods her head smiling.

"You should be fine. If it was farther along I would worry more, but you and the baby seem to be fine."

"Thank you." I grin.

"If you ever need anything during the school day just come on down." She tells me.


Alex holds me as we lay on his bed.  It feels good to know nothing is wrong, but it still scares me that anything can happen. His door opens slowly before Austin comes in, and by how he is sneaking in its big. "Austin?" He shuts the door before sitting on the bed facing us.

"I need to tell you guys something." He says carefully.  Alex and I share a look before we look to a nervous Austin.

"What is it?"

"I'm engaged." He whispers. My eyes widen as I sit straight up.

"To who? I thought you aren't dating anyone." Alex says sitting straight up.

"I know, I wanted to keep it on the down low. We have only been dating for six months, but we love each other. Like you two love each other." I can see it in his eyes that he means it.

"As long as you love each other, but you have to tell your parents." I smile. Austin groans not liking the sound of that.

"I got your back, bro." Alex says putting a hand on his shoulder. Austin gives us a small smile, and I pull him in for a hug.

"Congrats, but I want to meet her." I say. Austin chuckles.

"She is coming next weekend." He grins.

"Why did you tell us?" Alex voices.

"I need to hear some feed back, and I knew you two would understand."
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