Chapter forty: thank you

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"Where are the mini M&Ms?" I ask pouting. Maddison is sleeping in the bedroom, and Alex is in the other room watching the game with Ethan and Nate. Chris and Nini were also going to come, but Joseph was giving them a hard time.

"I think we ran out!" Alex calls back. I groan walking into the room they are in pouting.

"Alex." I whine staying in my spot. He looks to me raising an eyebrow taking in my whole look.


"I want them." I pout looking at him. He sighs standing up and walks over to me. He wraps his arms around me pulling me to him.

"Do you want me to go get you some?" He asks. I feel him looking down to me, and all I can do is nod my head yes. My head still rests on his chest, and he chuckles.


"Okay, my Queen." He kisses my head before letting me go. I grin looking up at him, and he smiles before he moves around me and heads towards the door. "I'll be back guys." Alex calls over his shoulder.

"What's wrong with you?" Ethan asks looking at me wearily. I roll my eyes at him taking Alex's seat crossing my arms over my chest.

"Nothing. What's wrong with you?" He looks to Nate shocked before looking back to me.

"You're not pregnant are you?" Nate asks.

"No." I say through a yawn. They both look to each other before looking back to me.

"You need to take a test." Ethan says.

"What? No."

"Bee, go. Your boobs look a little bigger, you're tired and you're craving shit." Ethan says. I raise an eyebrow.

"Bro that came out wrong." Nate shakes his head.

"I realize that." He sighs looking down. "It's just noticeable." He shrugs. I look down seeing how they are kinda coming out of my bra. You can see it from the tank I wear under the flannel. I cover myself up feeling uncomfortable.

"I don't think so."

"When's the last time you had sex?" I gasp looking to Nate.

"Not for a while why does it matter?"

"Because you lose your sex drive." He rolls his eyes.

"How the fuck do you know all this?" I ask. Nate sighs looking to Ethan.

"Don't worry about it. Go take a test." He orders.

"I don't have any here." I tell him.

"E go get one I'll stay with her." Nate says handing keys over.

"I don't need to be watched." I roll my eyes.

Somehow Ethan got back before Alex, and he forced me to take the test. Maddison starts crying as he shuts the bathroom door on me.

"Let me help my daughter." I tel him as I try to open the door, but fail.

"Nate has her. Now take the damn test." Ethan orders. I groan as I walk to the toilet to pee on the stupid stick. After following the directions and washing my hands I wait.

"Queen?" I hear Alex call. I open the door knowing the time isn't close to when I have to check the test.

"Coming." I say with a smile. I walk in to see Nate sitting on the couch with no shirt and Maddison sleeping on his chest. "Um Nate?" I question. He looks between Alex and I before looking down to Maddison.

"I fed her, she pushed it away and it spilled on my tee shirt, so I took it off. I paced with her back and forth and she fell asleep." He explains.

"Oh." I say before looking to Alex. "Did you get it?" I ask eagerly. Alex chuckles nodding his head.

"Yes, Queen." He grins holding the bag up. I grin skipping to him and grabbing the bag. Ethan then stands up before walking towards the bathroom.

"I'm going to take a leak." He says, and I freeze for a second knowing why. But I walk into the kitchen with the bag wanting chocolate and whipped cream.

"Wait, you're going to leave her sleeping on me?" Nate asks trying to be quiet. I roll my eyes and Alex just laughs staying in the room with him.

"Hey, Bianca! Can you come here for a second?" Ethan calls making me groan. I stomp pass the two gaining amused looks as I walk towards the bathroom. As I get closer I feel nervousness hit me. My stomach flips not knowing what is going to be the answer. I get to the door and see Ethan standing there holding the test.

"You know I peed on that right?" I question lowly making him dropped it looking disgusted.

"That's gross, but Bee come look." He says pointing to it. I see the test and blink trying to see it clearly.

"Fuck." It leaves my lips without me realizing.

"What's wrong?" I hear Alex making me jump turning around to face him. I hear Ethan clear his throat before walking around me to the door.

"I'll leave you two alone for this." He says patting Alex's shoulder. Alex looks to me worried.

"Bianca, what's wrong?" I bite my lip as I grab the test and hand it to him. He looks at it for a little before looking up to me. "Was this Maddison's?" He asks unsure.

"No." I shake my head slightly tears stinging my eyes.

"I'm going to be a dad again?" He asks sounding in awe. I nod my head not being able to say anything. The news hitting me just like it's hitting him. He grins wrapping his arms around me and spinning me around.

"Did you just find out?" He asks in my ear. I nod my head as tears fall from my eyes. He holds me to him looking down at me. He wipes my tears before kissing my lips.

"We're going to have another." I smile looking into his eyes.

"Thank you." He grins kissing my lips again. I let out a small laugh as I wrap my arms around him.

"Why are you thanking me?"

"You gave me a beautiful daughter, and now we are having another baby." He lifts me up, and I wrap my legs around his waist.

"It takes two to tengo." I laugh as he walks us out of the bathroom.

"You two good?" Ethan asks.

"We're having another!" Alex cheers kissing me again before setting me down. We walk towards the living area, and see Maddison is awake. Alex picks her up and grins kissing her face.

"We're having another one like you." Alex tells her. I smile seeing all his excitement. I look to Nate and Ethan who smile too, and this time they won't miss any of it.

"Congratulations!" They cheer at the same time. Alex comes to me grinning, and hugs me with one arm as he holds Maddison in his other arm.

"Thanks guys. I can't wait for this." He looks to me and kisses my lips before kissing Maddison's head.

"Awe you guys are too cute." Nate says.

"Damn, Nate we need to find someone." Ethan says making me roll my eyes leaning into Alex and resting my head on his shoulder.

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