Chapter thrity two: finally did it

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I finish feeding Maddison, and burp her before placing her on the bed. I fix my shirt before picking her up, and kissing her head. I smile cradling her in my arms. "Awe my little princess." She coos with her mouth open. She looks to me and looks like she is smiling.

The door opens and I hear it slam shit before feet running to the bedroom. "Where are my girls?" I hear Alex call excitedly. I laugh at his excitement.

"In our room." I call out. Alex races in before jumping on he bed. I narrow my eyes on him because of how he did that with Maddison on the bed. "Alex!" I scold.

"It's up!" He shouts.

"What is?"

"The website." He grins ready to burst in complete excitement.

"Really? Awe Alex I'm so happy for you." I grin leaning over to kiss his lips. He kisses me back carefully because of Maddison in my arms. I pull back and look into his bright eyes.

"Yes, it's actually happening. I can't believe it." I laugh at him looking down to Maddison. She watches Alex unsure of what to make of him right now. Alex looks to her taking her from me. He lifts her in the air before bringing her to his face and kissing her.

"Daddy did it princess." She seems to grin at him as she grabs at his head. He laughs kissing her again.

"Careful she just ate." I warn. He nods his head before placing her on the bed. She reaches for him, and he lowers his head to her.

"We should celebrate, and Chris and Nini can join us." Alex gushes happily as he kisses Maddison's face after every word. I laugh shaking my head at him.

"Okay Alex." I sigh as he puts Maddison in her swing in our room. He turns around grinning at me. "Go call Chris." I tell him as he dives onto the bed. He takes his phone out, and calls Chris. Just as he hits call my phone rings. I wave him out making his eyes roll, but he leaves as I pick my phone up.

"Hello." I smile knowing its Nini.

"I told him." She sounds scared making me grow serious.

"What did he do? What did he say?" I start asking worrying about my best friends' relationship. She takes a long breath before letting it out slowly, and I just wait patiently for her to speak.

"He went silent, and hasn't spoken to me. He went to the bathroom and hasn't come out. Bianca, I don't know what to do." I can hear the tears in her voice making me frown.

"Alex should be talking to him right now, so maybe he can talk some sense into him. I'm sorry that he went silent hun. I really am. Alex questioned me if it was his when I told him, so at least it's not that reaction." I try to be supportive and positive.

"I guess, but what if he leaves me? I can't Bianca, I really can't." She cries.

"Breathe Nini, Chris won't do that. You just have to give him a little time."

"I guess, but still."

"Nini, this a life changing thing. It's going to take time for him to cope with it."

"Okay, he's coming out. I got to go." She quickly hangs up. I frown as I put my phone down. Alex walks in still talking on the phone, so I stay quiet as I look to Maddison.

"Dude, man the fuck up and own up to it. That shit ain't going to fly anymore." I see Maddison looking right at me as she starts to move like crazy. She fusses making her face scrunch up, and I am quick to get up off the bed to get to her. I pick up my little Maddison and hold her close to me as I bounce her slightly. I turn to look at Alex, who is looking annoyed.

"Chris, go talk to her. She's probably scared shitless because of your reaction." I raise an eyebrow at him, and his eyes meet mine for a second before looking to Maddison.

"Don't worry you got time, and it's the best thing ever." Alex assures Chris. "Now go talk to her, and be here at six." Alex orders him before hanging up and letting out a dramatic sigh as he falls onto the bed. He looks up to me making me hold back a smile.

"So, I'm guessing Nini already told you." Alex states, and I nod my head.

"Yes she did, and I'm guessing Chris told you because he freaked." Alex sighs nodding his head.

"Yup. He can't get his head around the fact he is going to be a father now."

"Well it's something to process. I mean you didn't think she was yours." I point out. Alex groans covering his face with his hands.

"Don't bring that up." He groans. Maddison fusses grabbing my baby hair that fell from my bun.

"Ow baby." I grown. Alex gets up to help pry her hand off. "Take her." I tell Alex, and he does without question. He kisses her head as I walk to the bathroom needing to pee. After I do my business I walk back out to see Alex on the bed with Maddison on his chest. Her eyes close after they spot me, and she smiles a little smile.

"Alex?" He looks over to me careful not to let her move.

"What's up bee?"

"I love you." He smiles at me his eyes shining with love.

"I love you too." He carefully gets up putting a sleepy Maddison in her crib. I raise an eyebrow at him as he hurries over to me. His arms wrap around me as his lips find mine. I kiss him back my eyes closing. We each put our love into the kiss wanting to prove our love to the other. There is a knock on the door making us groan pulling apart.

I walk to go get it, and I can feel Alex follow me out. I look through the peep hole before opening the door. Olivia stands there and smiles at us. "How did you get in?" Alex asks.

"Don't worry about that." She waves. I move aside to let her in, and she walks right in heading to the kitchen. I shut the door before looking to Alex raising an eyebrow. He just sighs shaking his head before walking after her.

"Um sis?" Alex asks. She sighs and turns to look at him.

"I'm not staying home right now with Mom. She is crazy." She says. I laugh shaking my head. "I just wish the baby was out already."

"You don't have that much longer." I smile. Maddison fusses making Alex and I share a look. I raise an eyebrow at him making him sigh before he heads to go get her. I smile at that before looking to Olivia.

"I still got about a month. And I just got out of school." She whines. I shake my head at her.

"You know I have a daughter right? I know what it's like to be the crazy hormonal lady. You can deal with it." I sigh. She shrugs still looking for food.

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