Breaking His Heart

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Seeing her with him demolished me. It broke me into a million pieces that were simply scattered on the ground to be forgotten.

Her soft looking pink lips connecting to his undeserving ones made me quiver with sadness, reminding me that I wasn't good enough and that she'd never like me like that.

The way she'd gaze so lovingly at him and pour her heart out to him only for him to return it with a flat "Same" or "Me too, baby".

He wasn't worthy of her love and and adoration. He didn't treat her like I would and he definitely wouldn't show her how much she meant to him.

But she was happy so that meant I had to be happy too, right? I had to support her relationship no matter how much I wanted to rip her away from him and call her my own.

To be able to call her my girlfriend instead of my friend.

Phil knew how absolutely torn I was. He didn't like her boyfriend either, but we couldn't just tell her we disliked him. So we just had to accept his presence.

He'd come over and act like our flat was his. He'd go in our room and scavenge through our things without permission.

I was sick and tired of him. I was tired of him taking Y/n away from us.


I sat in my sofa crease and browsed through Tumblr, ignoring the obnoxious screams of Lucas that came from literally everywhere.

In a matter of seconds he came back with a brown wig from Phil's room.

He laughed the stupidest laugh you've ever heard, "What the hell is this?"

Phil glared at him, "Those are props from our old radio show.."

Lucas scoffed, "Did they fire you for being to boring?"

I exchanged annoyed glances with Phil and shook my head at Lucas, "We quit because that's when we we're going on tour.."

Lucas gave us a puzzled and blank expression, "Whatever..."

How the bloody hell did Y/n think this high school failure was intelligent?

Y/n walked in from the other room, "Are you coming back? I've been waiting on our Mario Kart game for twenty-three minutes.."

Lucas looked over and laughed, "Oh right, I forgot I was at your flat," he walked over and they closed the door.

I groaned and threw my head back in frustration, "How the hell does someone forget that they're at their girlfriend's flat?"

Phil rolled his eyes and looked over, "Because Lucas is an actual idiot.." he whispered.

I looked up, my eyes welling up, "Still! She deserves so much better! Someone who'll pay attention to her and actually love her!"

Phil put a hand on my shoulder as my breath staggered from the rage I felt deep within my chest.

I found it hard to breathe and swallow, a lump of jealousy forming in my throat.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2017 ⏰

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