Chapter two- Ivy

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I pushed open the gym door and walked over to the running machines, spotting Carrie right away.

As usual Carrie was very clearly standing out. She was wearing a bright, yellow top with skin tight shorts. Listening to her music, she wouldn't notice me until I was on the treadmill beside her, even then it could take her a while.

I had barely even took one step on the machine, before Carrie had grabbed me and pulled me over to the mirrors. This was a first.

"Carrie I do love you and everything. But Jesus what are you doing?"

In response to my question, she began stretching. This meant that I had to stretch too, so we didn't look like idiots, while Carrie told me something that she thought was 'highly important'.

If she didn't tell me what it was she up to, I was going to slap her any minute. "Carrie for goodness sake!"

"Ok, alright. There is this really hot guy in the gym and I strongly believe that you should go and talk to him." Carrie explained.

It took me a while to register exactly what she had just told me. I didn't know why I bothered with her sometimes, she could be rather useless at times. Especially in situations like this.

"You dragged me over here to tell me that there was a hot guy in the gym?" I let out a silent laugh. Unbelievable.

Carrie rolled her eyes, "He isn't just any guy.  Look at him."

I turned around to where she was motioning too. Trying to find him amongst the sweaty bodies, that lingered nearby.

That's when I saw him.

He was tall and muscular. His hair came just over his ears, it looked like it had been naturally lightened by the sun, as it was best described as dirty blonde. A light bronze tan covered his whole body, outlining his abs no doubt.

I blinked, realising I had been openly staring at the guy. Luckily, his back was turned to me.

"I knew you would like him." Carrie smirked.

"I don't even know him name Carrie, I was simply observing." I rolled my eyes.

I turned to grab a mat, so I could start my stomach exercises.

Carrie dug her nails into my arm, I yanked my arm back. "OW!"

"Go and talk to him! You need to get yourself out there and start using your body to your advantage Ivy, seriously!" Carrie began pushing me in the guy's direction.

"Carrie! I'm not 50 and I'm not interested." I sighed heavily.

"Oh please, you were totally checking him out!" she rolled her eyes this time.

So yeah I might have been checking him out, but I wouldn't let Carrie have the satisfaction of being right.

"We don't all have your confidence. Anyway I don't need to talk to him, so just leave it please." I looked her straight in the eye.

She knew that she could no longer try and persuade me, "Fine! You're so boring. At least go and get a mat from that end, by him. We can have a good look then." she winked.

What harm could it do? I guess I did want to see what he looked like closer up. I shrugged and started walking over to the pile of mats. The guy turned around, looking directly at me.

Suddenly, Carrie pushed me so hard. I gasped as I bumped straight into him. His hands found my waist, preventing me from falling over.

"Whoa, hey. You alright there?" he said.

I coughed, straightening up. His hands fell from my waist.

"Sorry, my friend kind of pushed me into you." I explained, feeling pathetic. I was totally going to kill Carrie for this later.

I noticed his hazel eyes that had a hint of green in them; they were protected by the kind of long lashes that every girl would die for. He had a slight rough shaven face. His lips were big and I couldn't take my eyes of them. The simple fact was that, he was most definitely gorgeous.

"She can't be a very good friend, if she pushed you." he grinned.

His smile was sexy as hell. Breathe Ivy. Stop being such an idiot, he's only a guy.

A really hot one at that.

I laughed, once my brain had remembered what it was he had said exactly.

"No, she's actually my best friend. She pushed me into you on purpose, so that I would talk to you." I replied.

Shit. Why did I just tell him that?

"Really?" he raised one eyebrow.

My cheeks flushed slightly. "Erm, yeah. She's weird like that." I murmured back.

I had no idea what I was even saying. Should I tell him my name? oh god. I had to say something, before we hit the awkward silence.

I cleared my throat, "I'm Ivy." I held out my hand.

"Cute name. I'm Sebastian," he shook my hand. I blushed again, pulling my hand away.

"So Ivy, which college do you go to, Westfield?" he asked.

I nodded. "First year, you?" 

My throat tightened, this was so scary.

"Second and last year," he smiled.

That made him 18, depending on his birthday. A years difference, that's not that much. He probably thought I was too young and immature however, I did just have my best friend practically launch myself into him. 

"What are you studying?" I asked. This was going better than expected, I hadn't thrown up yet so that had to be a good sign.

"Art mainly, sports too."

"Me too." I replied.

So we both liked art. I don't know why I was mentally analysing the whole conversation. I mean he would probably have a girlfriend. When don't hot guys with hazel eyes, aged 18, studying art, not have girlfriends?

I smiled at him. I had no chance, not that I wanted one. "Well I guess I should get back to Carrie."

"Carrie?" he asked curiously.

"The friend that pushed me." I stated.

"Oh right. Well tell her thank you then, otherwise I probably wouldn't of had this little chat with you. Miss my chance talking to a pretty girl like you," he winked.

My face was hot like a fire. I couldn't breathe properly. I felt like I was going to faint. Although if I did faint, maybe he would give me mouth to mouth, but that could cause me to die.

"I'll see you around Sebastian."

He nodded, "I'll make sure of it, Ivy."

He turned around and walked over to a guy behind him. I turned around mouthing 'Thank you' to Carrie, who had her mouth hanging open in astonishment.

I needed to find more oxygen, because I  had lost all mine. My Monday hadn't been totally crap after all.

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