Chapter ten- Ivy

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I got out my sketch pad and placed it on the art table. I fished my pencil out of my bag and began drawing from where i had left off. 

"I like your drawing." Someone said behind me, making me jump.

I turned around. There he was.


"Thanks." I hadn't seen him since the day of the cove.

I put my pencil down. I knew i wouldn't be able to carry on with him standing right behind me.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I have art, in that room right there. But i spotted you, so i thought that i would come and annoy you." He winked.

Keep breathing Ivy. Does he not understand how gorgeous he is?

"You couldn't annoy me if you tried." I replied.

He raised an eyebrow. "Is that so Miss Monroe?" he smiled.

My face blushed, my cheeks were on fire.

He knew my surname. Great.

"How do you know my last name?"

"I saw it on the front of your sketch pad. I think it's very cute." he winked.

Some people on my table looked over at me and then Sebastian. 

Oh dear God. 

They had probably heard him. 

Now these girls were typical slags. They annoyed me. I mean they had their mouths open, not that they didn't normally, if you get my drift.

Sebastian noticed they were looking over. He moved forwards and placed a kiss on my cheek.

I knew he was doing it because the girls were practically gawking at him. I was still thankful. I think he could tell they were irritating me.

"Ignore them Ivy." He whispered into my ear.

If he kept saying my name, i think i would ignore my lungs too. 

"Well i guess i should leave you to it. I'll see you soon, Ivy." he added.

I turned back around to a table full of shocked faces.


Yes, he did kiss me. Ha!

I got my phone out, sending a quick text to my brother and then placed it on the side of my chair, in case he replied.

I could hear the girl's bitching. 'He's so hot', 'How did she get him?'

My fists tightened. They looked over at me, i glared back hatefully.

I had enough. I was not staying in the same room as them.

I collected my things together and left the room, telling the teacher i felt ill. 

I had just reached the college gates, when i realized i had left my phone on my chair. 

For fucking hell sake Ivy.

I bet one of those girls had found it.

I sighed, this was going to be a shit day. I couldn't be bothered, i was done today.

I walked out of college. I was going home to eat and sleep, not stay here.


I was lying on my bed, doing my homework, when all of a sudden i heard a noise outside.

Brilliant, somebody had come to kill me.

I walked over to the window, looking out. 

Sebastian was stood in my front garden. What was he doing here?

I opened the window. I did have a balcony, but it was too cold to go out on it.

"Sebastian, what the hell are you doing here?" i asked.

For someone who had a crush on the guy, i really was not being awfully charming.

"You left this, in school." He replied.

He lifted his hand, i saw that he was holding my phone. 

I let out a sigh, i was so glad that he had it. I knew he was a God.

A Sex God.

Oh my god Ivy, sort your freaking mind out.

"I'll open the front door." I laughed.

"Are you sure? I could always just throw it up?" he suggested.

"If you think that you're going to throw my phone, you can think again." i replied seriously.

I heard him laugh. It managed to make me go all tingly, just hearing it.

I quickly ran out of the room and down the stairs. Then i realized i was still wearing my pyjamas. 

Shit. Great one.

Luckily, it was a baggy t-shirt and some shorts, that you couldn't actually see... I still had my bra on as well, which is always a good sign. 

Oh what the hell. He'd seen me drinking vodka. I was making a lot of good impressions on him.

I opened the door. "Hey." I said.

He looked at me, noticing what i was wearing. 

I crossed my arms over my chest, suddenly feeling very flustered.

He smiled his amazing smile, "Hey." He handed me my phone.

"Thanks for bringing this back. I thought i had lost it, actually i knew i  had lost it." I muttered.

Honestly, what was i blabbering on about. 

Every time i talked to him, i ended up talking about absolute rubbish. 

"Do you want to come in?" i asked him.

His eyes slowly dragged their way down my body and back to my face.

The way he was looking at me made me want to take all my clothes off and do him. 

I needed to calm down.

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