Chapter fourty two- Sebastian

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There were loads of people at this house party. If they weren't in the house, they were littered in the gardens surrounding it and down the gravel track. Everywhere you turned there was some sort of alcoholic beverage being handed to you, and the entire place had been blacked out. There were lanterns lit and people with fluorescent paint across their bodies. Almost everybody was glowing whether it was with paint or glow sticks. It was crazy.

"Show some skin would ya, and paint your girlfriend." Some girl shouted and handed me sticks covered with bright yellow, orange and pink paint, before walking off.

I laughed and looked at Ivy beside me, raising my eyebrow.

"Why the hell not?" She smirked, taking off her jacket so she was only wearing a crop top and a tight skirt.

I sucked in a breath as i painted random signs and swirls over her bare skin. It made her stand out in the darkness and somehow look even more mesmerizing.

"Your turn." She grinned at me.

I watched as Ivy moved the brush down my arms and smiled when i felt it on my cheeks. "Am i done?" I asked.

She nodded and moved towards me. I wrapped my arms around her and brushed my lips against hers.

"We can leave whenever you want to, okay?" I said and i dipped my lips down her neck.

"If you keep doing that, we'll be leaving extremely soon." She smiled.

I laughed against her skin and placed small kisses along her jaw line, until i reached her mouth again. "Lets dance gorgeous." I said and pulled Ivy towards the other people that were dancing.

My hands ran up her bare skin, as our hips moved in sync. The music was running through my veins and me and Ivy were so intimate it was as if we were the only two people in the room. I wished it was only us two, but neither of us had been out properly for ages. 

"Do you want a drink?" I asked Ivy, as i spun her around. 

"Yeah, please. i'll go and find Carrie while i'm waiting." She replied. 

She turned to leave, but i grasped her head spinning her back towards me and giving her one final kiss before i disappeared. 

"I'll catch up with you shortly, don't miss me too much." She teased. 

"You know i will." I replied and let go of her hand.

I watched as her body merged into the crowd and she was no longer visible. I let out a breath and headed towards the bar area for drinks. I tried my best to push through bodies that were covered with sweat and paint. Finally i made it to some sort of clearing where the bar area stood, that was a first, bars were normally packed with people. 

I ordered drinks for us both and then hovered by the bar until Ivy decided to resurface from wherever she had gone. I was there for a while, so i ended up chatting with people that i knew or recognized and drunk a few drinks as well. 

Suddenly, i felt two small hands cover my eyes and i smiled to myself. Ivy was finally back.

"I've missed you, I was getting worried." I admitted and turned around to see her. But before i even opened my eyes, her lips crashed against mine. 

My hands found her neck and i pulled her body even closer to me. Something felt different, i suspected it was the alcohol playing with my head though. 

"Sebastian--" She started. 

I broke the kiss immediately and my eyes flew open with shock, that wasn't Ivy.

That was Lacey.

"Lacey, what the hell is wrong with you?" I shouted, removing her hands from my neck. Was she some kind of idiot, if Ivy had seen that, it would have looked so bad. I knew something felt different, Ivy didn't kiss like that. 

I looked around the room in a hurry and everything began to blur as i noticed Ivy stood in the middle of a crowd, looking directly at me with tears in her eyes. 

"IVY!" I shouted, it was no use, there were too many people and the music was too loud. 

"Sebastian, where are you going?" Lacey whined next to me and grabbed hold of my arm.

I shook her off, "Get off me! I need to find Ivy." 

"Why?" She asked, like she couldn't understand. 

I turned to face her with disgust, my eyes forming a glare. "Why? Because she's my girlfriend and i'm in love with her. Now stop messing up everybody's damn relationships, just because you got fucked over yourself." I spat. 

Lacey backed away from me with a smirk, but i knew that i had hit home with my comment. I didn't mean to say it, but i was so sick and tired of her hurting Ivy constantly. 

I moved people out the way, trying to find Ivy. I saw a flash of long brown hair, but too many girls here had long bloody brown hair. I mentally kicked myself. 

She would have left. Ivy would have left. I knew Ivy, and that's the kind of thing she would have done. She runs, so i had to run too. I desperately hoped that she hadn't gone too far, because i needed to explain. I needed to do everything in my power to make her understand that it wasn't anything, if i lost her because of something that Lacey had done, i would be furious. 

The only girl that i had ever loved had to believe me. She had to believe that i was undoubtedly in love with her. 

The fresh air hit me as soon as i exited the house and that's when i saw Ivy disappearing down the gravel track. I picked up my pace, rounding the corner after her. 

"Ivy, wait please. Let me explain." I shouted. 

She sharply turned around and i could see glistens of tears on her face. 

I couldn't have felt more of an idiot in that moment. The way she was looking at me now, i never would have wished that look on anyone. She looked so helpless, yet afraid of me. I knew she wasn't afraid of me, she was afraid she had given the wrong person her heart. 

And there was absolutely nothing i could do to fix that. 

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