Chapter thirty five- Sebastian

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Summer was slipping by so quickly, I couldn't keep up. I was just glad that i had decided to go to Caboton, because being closer to Ivy was all i wanted. I couldn't not be near her, having to be four hours away seemed like a nightmare. I was too in love with her, to leave her all alone.

Love was a strange thing. It doesn't exactly change you as a person, it just makes you far more conscious about what you do. I'd always tried my best to put other people's needs before my own, but with Ivy it was different. It was like if she wasn't happy, then i couldn't be either. I wanted nothing more than to see a smile on her face. It's kind of a hard thing to understand unless you're in love yourself. 

Elliot didnt't get it that was for sure. He thought the whole thing was unnecessary and too common. I wouldn't consider it as common, i just think too many people are fond of the idea of love, not being in it themselves. Elliot is one of those people, he doesn't hate the idea of it, but as he hasn't experienced it, he doesn't believe that it's something he wants to venture into. 

It was the last day of August, meaning that Ivy's birthday was in two days. She would be eighteen, and i wanted to make sure she had a really nice day. I was trying my best to plan on what i could do, but Elliot was too busy nagging me about whether we were going out or not tonight. 

"Mate, i'm trying to think of something nice to do for my girlfriend, shut up." I said firmly. 

He let out a sigh. "Can't you just go down on her, girls like that."

Unbelievable. "I was thinking something more romantic." I replied exhausted, he was so unhelpful.

"God, you make things so complicated. Fine, light some candles, play some soft shitty music, then go down on her." Elliot smirked.

I threw my shoe at his face, unfortunately for me his quick reactions caught it. 

"So are we going out tonight?" He asked for the hundredth time.

"Yes, we are and Ivy and Carrie are coming with us." I replied, just so he would stop asking. 

"Why's Carrie coming?" He asked.

"Because she's best friends with Ivy, and she's my friend too now." I said.

Elliot shifted uncomfortably on my chair. What was up with him?

"I'm friends with her too." He said, quieter than he was a minute ago.

"I wouldn't say you were friends." I laughed, shaking my head. 

"Why the fuck not?" He practically shouted. 

Jesus, someone was a bit sensitive today. He was acting like he had freaking bipolar.

"You barely ever speak to her when she's round and if you do it's only to make some sort of sexual remark. Also if you two aren't hooking up with other people, you're sleeping together. She listens to you talk about last nights targets, but as soon as she mentions another guys you walk off." I explained. 

Carrie and Elliot's relationship was definitely interesting for me and Ivy to watch. One minute they were screaming at each over the simplest of things, and the next she was sat on his lap while they beat each other at X-box. It wasn't any different when we went out, it was like a game when it came to sex. By the end of the night if neither of them had anyone to have sex with, then they used each other. 

But it wasn't just play fighting and making out. Sometimes i actually believed that they fancied each other, i had been meaning to ask Elliot. I knew what he would say though, he'd deny it and say i was too loved up to think straight. 

"Well maybe i don't care that she sleeps with other guys." He remarked.

"Or maybe you care, that's why you walk off." I stated, catching him off guard.

"You know what?" He said angrily standing up.

"What?" I smiled, cunningly.

"Maybe i do fucking care, is that a problem?" He blurted out, before collapsing back into the chair like he couldn't believe he had said.

I was too shocked to reply. He didn't deny it, and i wasn't even being serious. I was joking about him caring because i knew him, and Elliot wasn't exactly the 'feeling' kind. 

Elliot carried on, without me replying. "She's driving me insane and not just sexual frustration either. I think it's because i'm used to girls wanting me, rather than she makes me work for it and she's not even interested in me like that, which makes me want her so bad."

All i could do was laugh. "You aren't vain at all, thinking girls want you."

"I'm being serious mate." He sighed heavily. 

"Tell her then." I suggested.

"Are you joking? She'd laugh in my face."

That made me laugh, I couldn't wait to tell Ivy about this. I think she'll be just as shocked as i am. Elliot actually has emotions, who knew.

"Talk to Ivy about it, she likes you. She'll help." I said. 

"Yeah i know she likes me, she's like the only girl friend i have. But no jackass, not talking to her about it, she'll be unhelpful like you. I'm just going to continue to shag girls, until this mental breakdown of weakness passes." He explained. 

I rolled my eyes. That boy couldn't stand feeling anything for a minute. This meant that he would be uncontrollable tonight, trying his hardest to prove he had no feelings for Carrie. But now i knew, and as his best friend, I wouldn't let him forget it. 

"Anyway, i still need to think of something to do for Ivy's birthday."

"Throw her a party." 

That wasn't actually such a bad idea. My parents were going away for a week, so they wouldn't be there to worry. Not that they cared that i drank, but they adored Ivy. It's not like Ivy was exactly the drinking kind, I hadn't seen her drunk yet. 

"You know what, i might actually do that."

Elliot cheered, because it meant he could bring girls to the spare bedroom. I laughed, but i really hoped that Ivy would like the idea. Oh God.

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