Tell me something I dont know.

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^^ (Kaylee up top)

"Rise and shine."

"Come on Kaylee get up dude." Metri said. "We got school in a hour."

"I don't wanna!" I whine putting a pillow over my head.

"But you have to. They made breakfast and everything."

We decided to just stay over with the ball family. Gelo and Lonzo were doing something and couldn't drive us home last night.

All of a sudden I'm being pulled out of the bed by my foot.

"Metri." I drag out the 'i' trying to kick her. "Leave me alone."

"We ain't finna do this today." She said sternly. "Kaylee Danarii Williams get yo ass out the bed and get ready."

I get up off the floor and walk to the living room.

"Well look who finally got outta bed." Lonzo said laughing. "We heard you whining like a baby."

In the morning I don't like speaking to anyone. I don't even wanna eat. That's how sleepy I am. I flip him off laying on the floor with my cover.

"Give her a hour she'll be back to normal."

"Lonzo Gelo Melo! Come eat." I hear there dad yell from the kitchen.

Why are they so loud? Jesus.

"Morning Metri and Kaylee." Tina said giving us hugs and we sit down. I sit between Melo and Gelo and she sits between Gelo and Lonzo.

"How'd ya sleep!" Lavar says loudy.

"Fantastic thanks for having us." Metri said

I just gave him a thumbs up. And put my head on the table.

"Is she a morning person is she?" Lavar asked Metri.

"No she's not." Metri said at the same time I gave him a thumbs down.

"Well is time to eat." Lavar said giving everyone there plates.

I am so sleepy. I usually get at least 5 hours of sleep but last night I only got 2. One reason was because my teacher gave us a online packet to do at 11 and it took 2 hours to do.

Then Melo Gelo and Lonzo decided they wanted to have a lot of energy from all they candy they ate until they crashed at bout 3 and we watched a movie in the guess room until we all fell asleep around 4 o'clock.

I'm usually a little bit more awake in the mornings but right now Gelos hand the only thing keeping my head out of my food.

My head is literally laying in his left hand while he's eating with his right. He doesn't seem to have a problem with it either to be honest.

"Are you gonna eat anything honey." Tina asked me laughing.

I pick my head up out of LiAngelos hand and play over my food until I decided to eat my eggs.

"You want this?" I asked Melo.

I ate my bacon eggs and strawberries. The rest was sausage, two pancakes and pineapples.

"Nah I'm full. I ate all my food and half of my moms." He said.

"I'll eat it." Gelo said with a mouth full of food.

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