4 Sad pups.

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Today is Monday and I'm not sick anymore. All I needed was rest and some soup and I was good. Melo on the other hand is feeling like death.

I honestly haven't felt this bad for someone in a while. He's sick, his mom is in the hospital, his dad won't let him see her because because she's in critical condition and he still has to go to school.

I've been doing my best to keep Melos mind off of everything but I can only do so much. I walk into my free period and the gym is usual bumping with music from daijon hooking his phone to the gym speakers. Everyone is usually talk and running around but today is different.

Everyone is sitting quietly on the bleachers. No one is really moving.

Melo and Gelo look the worst. Gelo looks like he hasn't shaved or had a hair cut in years. He's laying is head on Metris shoulder and just looking like a sad puppy.

Melo is sitting close to everyone but not with them . He's in his own world. He has on some old basketball shoes with washed out grey sweat pants. He has on a hat with a his hoodie on over it and the strings loosely tied.

Even when he's sad he manages to look absolutely adorable.

"Hey baby." I said sitting next to him. He just looked at me and scooted over. At first I felt offended, like he didn't want to sit close to me but when I felt his head laying in my lap my heart skipped a whole beat.

I pull off his hat and hoodie and played with his hair. I love playing with his hair pulling his curls and watching them spring back makes me laugh.

Your so childish.

"Come on. Let's go sit by Kaylee." I hear Metri say. I look over to see her trying to pull Gelo off the bench. He didn't Budge seeing that he was all of  2 hundred something pounds.

"I don't wanna move." He whine pull her back down.

"Come on please . I haven't seen her in like 3 days I miss her ."

"Fine." Gelo said giving in . They made there way slowly over to me and Melo . Melo was half asleep because I was playing with his hair and wasn't really listening. Once Metri say down Gelo laid in the same position as Melo .

"Taking care of a sad liangelo is a lot to deal with." Metri said playing with Gelos hair.

"You not lying. Melo is sick and sad. He won't talk to much only to tell me good night and that he loves me which I don't mind but when I'm trying to ask him what he wants to eat so he won't pass out from starvation he won't tell me. He's even to sad to pick up a basketball." I said looking down at a peaceful LaMelo I'm trying not to wake him up because he hasn't been sleeping well. "Every time he picks one up he gets anxiety."

"Same with this one. Every time he thinks about anything pertaining to his mom whether it be looking at her bed room door, looking at a basketball or passing her favorite store he gets all panicky." Metri said looking worn out. "He's so stressed out and said about his mom that he won't eat."

That's serious. Gelo loves eating he is always eating something no lie.

"Sick Melo. Sad Gelo what has this world come to?" I said throwing my head back. "Hopefully my baby mama is okay though."

"Yeah she'll be fine girl she a fighter." Metri said laying her head in my shoulder. "We now this."

Just then I got a Snapchat from Denise. It was a picture of Lonzo laying on her lap sleep. The caption said 'he hasn't moved all day.'

"These boys are more similar than I thought." Metri said. I sent a video of a sleeping Melo laying on my lap, a sleeping Gelo laying on metris and a sleeping eli laying at out feet. My caption was '4 sad pup."

"Is everything okay with Mrs. T?" O asked me looking at the three sleeping basketball players.

"I don't know. Mr. Lavar is the only one allowed in her room right now." I told him. "She'll be okay though we're all praying."

"These boys never sleep during gym they are always hyper or getting shots up." Will said.

"Melo and Gelo haven't had a full nights sleep since Friday. Melo has maybe got 3 hours of sleep in the past two days. Plus he sick so he extra tired."

"Gelo hasn't even slept until now. Friday he was up all night at the hospital Saturday he was taking care of sick Melo and Kaylee with me and Sunday every time he'd doze off he'd wake himself back up." Metri said. "As for Eli he's been checking up on everyone making sure everyone is okay. He's been worried about everyone and not even thinking about himself."

"Wow. They have it bad right now ... they'll be alright soon." Daijon said. "Hopefully."

The bell rung for lunch but no one moved. Coach said we could stay here for lunch if we'd like but we've never took him up on that offer but I guess today's one of those days.

Melo Gelo and Eli didn't wake up at the bell and me and Metri didn't try to make them get up.

"This is depressing." I said starring straight ahead at nothing in particular.

"On so many levels." Metri added.

After that we all sat in silence. It was a comfortable yet sad silence.

It's will all be over soon... hopefully.

Y'all eli is so funny. When he be on live with Gelo Melo and Zo he be killing meeeee.

When he was dancing that one day I bout fell off my bed laughing at that nigga .

So making him sad and shii was kinda hard lmao. And Daijon's SC be on point.

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