"Oh my god hes so cute! Imma cry!"

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"Can I please see Kaylee Williams to the office."

When I hear that coming from the intercom I already knew what it was for. We were all at my locker just chillin not wanting to go to class.

"I need a shirt." I said to myself looking threw my locker.

I need to clean this out.

"Found one." I told off my jacket and put on the Big Baller Brand shirt Melo gave me.

"Nudity is not permitted during school hours." O said standing in front of me covering my bare stomach.

"I have a sport bra on chill out." I said putting the shirt on.

"Melo give me your jacket." I said holding my hand out.

"But I like this jacket." He said pouting. He knew he was probably never going to get this back.

He eventually took it off and gave it to me. It was of course a big baller brand jacket and it was gigantic on me.

"I'll see you people later." I said walking down the hallways.

Once I get to the office I ask the desk lady where I should go and she tells me to go down the hallway and enter the 2 door on my left.

"Hey my name is Kaylee you called for me?" I asked peeping my head in the door way.

"Yes. Have a seat I want to talk about the fight that happened today." The principal lady said. "Can you tell me what led up to this altercation and what happened during the fight."

"Well last week Victoria she was trying to talk to LaMelo Ball and was trying to get me jealous saying that he was her boyfriend. He pushed her away and said that he didn't like her and they had never dated. While he said that we were hold hands." I explained what happened at the football fields. "I wouldn't say we are official but you know we do act like a couple sometimes."

"So what made you throw the first punch?" She asked.

"Well I'm not done telling you what led up to this." I said politely. "She also called me a bitch multiple times and at basketball tryouts we had a run in."

"Then this morning we bumped into each other and her books fell and she grabbed my arm and told me to pick them up. I didn't of course and then at lunch she poured milk down my back and in my hair and said 'well I told you to pick up my books and you didn't so' and that's when I just went off."

"She said that you attacked her. She said you came up to her and pulled her out her seat." She said reading off a report.

I pulled out my phone and showed her the video Eli took of me but im not going to tell her who took it cause he could into trouble.

"Is this the video of the fight?" She asked. "May I take you phone please?"

I gave to her and she saw what happened from the beginning. When the blood stated coming she then gave me my phone back because she could look at it anymore.

It really was nasty fight we both got punches in. I obviously won but she got like two on me.

"And who took this?" She asked.

"I don't know. It's all over social media already and people have been retweeting it so it's hard to actually see who put it up first." I lied.

"Okay. Well you know that you will be suspended for 4 days starting tomorrow." She said telling me to sign a suspension form.

"That's cool." I said giving her a pen and paper back.

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