Nine whole months... wow

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I wake up and see bright lights and my back is aching.

"Why the fuck are my lights on ? When did my bed get uncomfortable?" I look up and around. "Where the fuck am I ?"

Realizing where I was and remembering what our me here I wanted to cry. Literally nothing's going right in my life right now.

"Stop with all their curse words." My mother said.

"When did you get here?" I asked with not much emotion.

Why would I even be happy? The boy I love hates me all my friend hate me. My knee is basically broken and I'm in the hospital.

"I got her as fast as I could. When I heard you were in the hospital I found the quickest flight here."

"Wait what day is it? Didn't I have a basketball game today?" I asked.

"No honey you've been out for two days. It's Sunday."

"I'm trippjn." I said laying back in my bed looking at my leg in the sling hanging from the ceiling.

"Let me see her please." I hear a familiar voice.

"Family only."

"It's okay. Let him in." My mom said to whoever was out the door.

Just then Melo ran over to me. He grabbed my hand.

"Melo are you crying ?"

"Yes I'm fucking crying. You scared that absolute shit outta me." He said wiping his tears.

"Mom let us be alone for a minute." She leaves the room with jordan.

"Melo I just want to say I'm sorry for what I did. In that picture me and him were just talking. And we were sitting outside cause I didn't want him in my house I kn-" I said getting cut off my Melos lips on mine.

" you don't have to explain. Don already told me what happened and I want to say sorry for calling you a bitch and a hoe. Even if I was mad you're neither of them you my girlfriend and I shouldn't treat you like that." He said.

"Girlfriend?" I asked my eyes watering.

"Yes your mine and nobody else's." He said and kissed me again.

Kissing his lips felt like the first time we ever kissed. Heaven. My eyes closed and my hand found its self in his hair playing with his curls. Melos hands slipped under my shirt resting in my bare back.

"Well I see you two made up." Gelo said walking in with O, Eli, Quan, and Daijon. "I'm glad. And I'm sorry I treated you like shit these past few days."

I told him it was all good. Then Metri came in . Her face wet and her mascara running.

"Omg kaylee you scared my to death." Metri said sobbing in my shoulder.

"Awe Metri your gon make me cry dude." I said with my eyes watering .

"Good. You made me cry. It took everything in me not to hit that number ten bitch dead in her throat." She said wiping her face,

"Does anyone know what's wrong with my leg and ankle?" I said changing the subject.

"Yes I do." A doctor said jumping into our conversation. "We did some X-rays and a MRI. You might want to sit for this."

The Doctor guy laughed thing his joke was funny.

"That wasn't funny shut up. I don't like you." I said getting mad. He stopped laughing and Melo and them started rolling.

"Anyway. You tore your ACL and you have a slight tear in you MCL and you also sprained your ankle." He said.

"I tore my what?" I yelled.

"Your ACL." He said.

"I heard you the first time that was a rhetorical question." I said catching a attitude. "How long will I be out. One. two months? "

"Take a deep breath." He said. I did as he said. "6 to 9 months..."

When he told me that I just looked at him. I didn't say anything I didn't react I just sat there.

I won't be able to walk for 9 month. I won't be able to run in 9 months. I won't be able to play sport for a whole 9 month. 9... month. Wow.

"Kaylee say something." Melo said . "Anything."

"What do you want me to say LaMelo? You want me to say I'm mad? Tell , scream, cry?" I said with a straight face and no emotion. "I'm not gonna be able to play sports for almost a whole year . Even then i still won't be at my best for maybe two."

Nobody said anything. The doctor told me that I could leave today or tomorrow. He said it was up to me but before I'd leave I need to set up monthly visits at Watson Clinic so they could see how everything's going and so they could give me re wrap my knee with new Ace wraps.

My knee and ankle is so swollen. They already castes my ankle and wrapped my knee and put a gigantic knee brace on my leg.

They said after the swelling goes down I'd need to get my cast re-done and I'd need a smaller knee braces. But the swelling won't be down for a while so I'll be stuck with a knee the size of the sun and a ankle the size of Jupiter.

My whole leg looks bionic .

"Are you ready to go?" My mom asked me. I nodded and put Melos hoodie on.

Her life sucks right now to be honest. I would hate to be Kaylee. I did have an knee injury a few months ago but I couldn't play for 2 month.

9 months is why to long to not be able to run. Lol at hard practices I be like 'I want to break my leg so I get a break' but then when I break something I be like 'I wanna sprint'

I'm so bi-polar tbh.

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