like hannah baker.

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"Today we will practicing together. We need to work on the girls aggressiveness and the guys shot accuracy." The boys coach said as both the boys and the girls team huddle up together.

"We're gonna start with 3 pointers. Rotate from boy to girl." My coach said.

I was the sixth girl in line. Melo was behind me. O was in front of me.

"Coach said we doing conditioning and ball handling for the second half of practice." Melo said in my ear.

"Bro like hard conditioning?" I said not looking back at him but keeping my eyes on O's back.

"He said something about suicides, whole court sprints and then we doing dribbles up to the half way line and back peddling back to the base line then we going full court dribbles."

"That's all?" I said taking in the large amount of running we will be doing.

" nah then we got partner work. Ion know what that is ." He said actually sounding dumb.

I looked at him and gave him the -are you actually stupid - look. You know the one where on side of you lip goes up and you eyebrows go up.

"Partner work? When you work with someone else on something ... " I trail off.

"Oh yeah! That makes since." Melo said having a genius moment.

"are you actually retarded?" I asked him laughing.

"I had a blond moment." Melo said pointing at his natural light tips.

It was my turn to do my jump shots around the arch. I made all of them except the second to last one.

Then Melo went and landed all his shots. He may be dumb but he sure is good at basketball.

"Break." Coach whistled after we did laps around the perimeter of the court. We ran for 20 minutes straight and it had to be at a fast pace. When I tell you my legs felt like jello.

"Omg. I feel like ..." Metri said taking a break to breathe. "My joint... are yelling ... at me.. to ...quit basket .... ball."

We were all struggling to breath right now. Melo and Gelo actually look dead to be honest. Like they are both just starring off into space and occasionally taking a squirt of there Gatorade water battles.

"On the base line lets go. We doing suicides till y'all drop." My coach yelled blowing her whistle.

This has been the hardest practice all year I swear. We do suicides and conditioning on the daily but we don't usually do this much.

We run the court for like 5 minutes at the beginning and end of practice. We've never actually done all this in one practice though.

We're actually gonna die.

"I'm actually gonna commit suicide like Hannah baker." Metri said. (Don't take this the wrong way.)


"Why are y'all walking like that?" Mr. Lavar asked

"So. Sore." Gelo said. We were all hobbling like penguins not wanting to move to many muscles at one time.

"I guess it's time for an ice bath then!" Lavar said clapping his hands and rubbing them together.

"Oh my god no." Metri said.

We all went to walk up the stairs but decided against when we all said ouch in unison trying to lift our legs to climb them.

"Uh... why are y'all walking to slow?" Mama ball ask.

"Practice. Conditioning. Dying." Metri said summing up the out practice in there words.

Today at practice we didn't do the ball handling and partner work like coach and Melo said we would do. The whole practice we did conditioning with minimal breaks.

Doing easy stuff like squats and crunches but we had to do so much of them that it feel like your abs were gonna explodes.

Then we did things were we hold the ball above our head and then we jumped on the line and jumped back but really fast. Then small bunny hops from baseline to baseline.

But the hardest thing we did was bear crawls and frog hops. When I say we did 50 bear crawls and so many frog hops I lost count.

My butt is tight and sore and I feel like if I move anymore im gonna pull a muscle.

"Even breathing and blinking hurts." Eli said laying on his back.

"My toe nails are aching." I said trying to stay stationary so I wouldnt whimper out in pain.

"I'm putting y'all on face book." Mrs. T said.

We were all laying in different positions whether it be in a fetus position or in a starfish.

"Say Ice baths." Me. Lavar said.

"Ice baths." We all mumbled out.

I actually hate my life.


Anyone had this type of practice before. I don't play basketball I play soccer ball and run track but I know a lot about Basketball and a lot about hard practices.

We had to do full field bear crawls at practice the other day. down and back was one So we technically did 100 not 50.

I'm still sore. I was walking just like Eli and them was coming in the house.

Also I'm not making fun of suicide in the chapter. So don't come at me like 'suicide isn't funny' or conditioning should be compared to suicide.'

I know that it's not funny. I only compared it like that because is lowkey relatable to us people who do sport which is most of my readers soo .. yeah.

And don't lie saying y'all don't be thinking you gone die by the end of practice or y'all be thinking y'all wanna punch the coach. Cause I know y'all do.

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