Chapter Two : Figuring it Out

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"Okay Reid and JJ head to the MEs office and see what you can find, Morgan and Prentiss head to the crime scene, and Rossi and I will go to NYPD."

The entire ride to the crime scene Emily stared out the window picking at her nails, she wasn't paying attention at all, she was lost in her thoughts.
"Prentiss what's going on with you?"
She didn't even realise he was talking, she was so deep in thought she didn't hear him.
"Huh. Yeah what?"
When she finally came out of her gaze she looked up at him and he could see worry in her eyes.
"I said, what's going on with you?"
She looked at up at him with a confused look on her face.
"I don't know what-"
"Cmon Prentiss don't give me that" he cut her off. "Ever since the briefing you have been shaken up, you've avoided eye contact with pretty much everyone and you're picking your nails. What's going on?"
She just sighed, she didn't want to tell him anything. She didn't want him to find out about Her and Reid's relationship, she didn't want him to put the pieces together and figure out that she's worried about her and Reid getting hurt by the unsub.
"Morgan nothings wrong."
He just stared at her. He could see that slowly, tears were forming in her eyes, he didn't want to push her to talk, but he was getting worried.
"Just know I'm here to talk, because I know you're hiding something princess, you don't have to tell me now, just please know you can trust me."
"Morgan... I do trust you... with my life! But I promise you there isn't anything wrong."
He sighed and parked the car near the crime scene.
"And Morgan" he looked up at her "please" she paused to take a deep breath "please don't profile me."
He nodded slowly and got out of the SUV.
-at the NYPD-
After the team gathered around the table Hotch and the team began to profile the unsub. They hadn't really found much since they arrived but kept trying.
"So we know that all the victims were in a relationship with one another, we know that the woman is the stresser and the main victim here. Maybe the unsub suffered some sought of break up. Maybe his girlfriend left him after being in a relationship for a few years."
Morgan started to go into more depth with his idea, when the deputy came into the room.
"There has been another kidnapping."
Everyone sighed and looked down, they thought that they could've expanded the profile before the unsub struck again.
"39 year old Sam Parker was abducted with his 37 year old girlfriend Rose Lynn. They were both brunettes, Sam was a Lawyer and Rose was a nurse."

-several hours later-

After hours of profiling and conducting theories, it was getting late and everyone was exhausted, so they decided to head to the hotel.
Morgan was trying to convince the woman to give them extra rooms but all the rooms were booked or reserved.
"I'm sorry sir but we only have three available rooms."
Morgan clutched his fists and walked off.
"Well looks like we're going to have to double up" Hotch started.
"Reid you and Morgan-"
"WHAT NO! I'm not sharing with Reid no way!" Reid looked up at him and shook his head in amusement.
"Okay Reid and Prentiss, Morgan and JJ and Rossi and I... better?"
Morgan nodded and grabbed a room key.
Reid and Emily gave each other a small smirk and grabbed their key, their room was on the furthest side of the hotel away from the rest of the team, which made them happy as it gave them privacy.
As Spencer opened the door he grabbed Emilys wrist pulling her inside, and gave her a very passionate kiss.
"What was that for?" She asked breathlessly.
"For being you. And I haven't don't that all day and I missed it."
He gave her a smirk and she gave him a small laugh.
"Well I'm exhausted, I'm going to take a quick shower and then we can head to bed."
He nodded and gave her a quick kiss and went to unpack his go-bag.

-40 minutes later-

Emily came out of the bathroom with her pyjamas on and her hair in a ponytail. Spencer was laying on top of the bed reading a book he bought at the airport.
"Would you look at that Reid is reading." She said with a smirk as she winked at him.
"Thought you'd never come out, took you long enough." He smiled at her and she came and layed next to him. They just stayed there staring at each other for about five minutes before Spencer sat up with a worried look on his face.
Emily, recognising his mood sat up with him and put a hand on his shoulder.
"Honey are you alright?" She asked looking him up and down, rubbing his shoulder.
She nodded
"No. I'm worried sick about this case, I mean look at us! We're in the middle of the unsubs comfort zone and we fit his victims type. I just..." he looked down at his lap taking a few deep breaths before saying,
"I just don't want you getting hurt-" he said sympathetically looking up at her.
"I mean I know we haven't been in a relationship that long but... you mean so much to me, I've known you for seven years. I always kinda had a crush on you. After what happened with Doyle... I was devastated, I never got to tell you that I loved you. On the first Valentine's Day when you were gone, I sat at your grave for over two hours with flowers and chocolates telling you how much I loved you, wishing you could hear me-"
After he said that she stopped him from continuing by putting her hand on his cheek. A tear rolled down his face and he looked at her, she had tears in her eyes and she pulled him into a passionate kiss. Pulling away, leaning their foreheads against one another she said.
"I'm so sorry you had to deal with that Spencer. I wish I could change that, I wish I could've told you I was alive that whole time. It killed me knowing I may never have got to see you again. Feeling useless and unloved. I never got to tell you about my feeling for you. But it's the past now. It's over. We built our friendship back up and built a relationship. We got what we wanted eventually. And that's what matters." She took a deep breath before continuing.
"As for this case. I understand how you feel, I'm terrified, we can't even tell the team how we feel without telling them our secret, and we both know we're not ready to tell them. What we have to do is stay brave, trust one another and make sure we're never alone."
This was one of the many reason Spencer loved Emily, she could always make him feel better, no matter what the situation was.
"Now it's past 2am and I'm super exhausted so I think we should go to bed." She said with a smile on her face.
They buried themselves in the covers and Emily put her head in the crook of his neck. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close, placing a kiss on the top of her head. This is how they wanted to spend the rest of their lives.

A/N: i'd really appreciate reviews for this story. I personally think there should be more Reid/Emily stories as I really enjoy *reiding* them (get it?😂)
So yeah I'll be updating every few days (I'll try to update every day but if not every other day:))

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